Chapter 32

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JJ was approaching Barry's "house". More like place of living. Someone could also call it place of dealing, to be more specific place of drug dealing. If there was someone who could move to Kooks' side that someone would be Barry. He had money, if only he wasn't spending them on buying drugs he could be one of the richest people on the island. Most of his money had come from JJ's father and Rafe. These two were the most frequent clients. They were going there and giving him everything they had in order to feel better.

Luke Maybank was spending everything on drugs during summer. As it was mentioned before the alcohol was easy to be found due to all these beach parties. But drugs? Well who could possibly leave drugs? So all of his money went to Barry before they even entered his house.

Even though Rafe was facing some difficulty to get drugs from Barry when he owed him money Luke wasn't. Barry was understanding his need and he gave them to him even though he owed. But now that things had started to get serious. Now that Luke was starting buying more and more drugs Barry knew that they were closed to the end. He wasn't going to be alive for much longer with all the drugs he was consuming and Barry wanted all the money. And he was going to find a way to get them.

JJ took a deep breath trying to calm himself. He had thought about what was the best thing to do. He was going to pay for all this shit his dad had taken. The problem was that he had no idea how would he get all that money. Barry appeared on the threshold and walked towards JJ.

"What's up man? Are you planning stealing me again?"

"I wish..." JJ murmured... Who would know one year ago that one day he was going to pay for what his father owed him. "Quite the opposite; how much does my father owe you?"

"Around 5 thousands. And I want them before he dies."

The boy pushed him back making fall onto a tree's trunk. He knew that his father sooner or later would face the consequences of his decisions and habbits. He knew it but he couldn't hear it. "Watch your mouth man"

"Chill Maybank, I'm just trying to do business here."

JJ released him from his grasp and started walking away. "There's no bank around here to rob! Try stealing from a kook or something." Barry's words forced JJ to stop on his tracks. He turned back punching Barry on his face. "Like father like son". The boy heard his words and lowered his fist.

"You'll have your money..." That's all he said and he turned to leave. Barry was right. He couldn't find the money unless he stole from someone. Kiara couldn't give him the money, Pope hadn't the money. But what if? No. He couldn't. He didn't even know her well. She had already paid for him once, not again. He had some dignity.

But that wouldn't stop him from visiting her one more time. Who knows maybe the next thing that would happen was him being sent to jail. Or were Sheriff Peterkin had told him... Just to see her one more time. Maybe he could kiss her this time. Maybe... Hopefully!

The sun was slowly setting giving its place to the moon. This thing was happening everyday for so many years. Yet there was always different. There was something magical about it. All the sunsets are different. And not just by the time but by the place too. Someone from outer banks wouldn't see the same one with someone from London. It was one and only for each one and it was lasting only for a short period of time.

After a few minutes walking lost in his thoughts he came across the palace of the town. It may was a palace but it had no interesting and exciting rumour about it. In most of places each palace holds its story, while this one was always so far away from the test of the town that almost no one knew anything about it. Maybe it had something but no one except for the owners knew. Or maybe it was about to get one.

The boy moved closer and decided to sneak in through the back yard gate. Eventually he got successfully into the house but what he saw and heard took him by surprise.

The pillows from the sofas were on the floor mixed with broken glasses and the armchairs upside down. Screams and things being thrown were heard from the second floor.

JJ was about to leave. He hated loud noises and especially screaming. It reminded him of his father's abuse and all the pain and fear that came with it. But he decided to stay. Who knew what was going on and she must have been there. They were her screams. But they weren't the painful ones they were more like fury screams.

He ran up the stairs finding Sophie in her room ready to throw off the window a pillow. JJ moved towards her and grasped her from the behind pulling her back. "Stop, please!"

"JJ put me down!" Sophie reacted to his try. "Just put me down!" He didn't loosened his grip and led her to get bed making her to sit down.

"You know, breaking stuff are not going to make things better." The girl stopped trying getting away from him and relaxed on his arms. "I don't feel like talking about it... Sorry"

"You don't have to apologize for that. Relax princess" and he put his chin onto her shoulder making his nose get into her hair. Coconut.

"Oh I wasn't apologizing for that. Sorry for all that mess you came across" Sophie turned in search of his blue eyes. As soon as she found them she smiled at him not taking her eyes off his. But he wasn't going to take them off hers either.

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