Chapter Two ~ PERCY

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• Chapter Two •


The person that came out with the shadows wasn't exactly a person. She was tall and thin, with a long spidery black gown that covered her feet. A woolly grey shawl was draped around her shoulders. Big black glasses covered her eyes, and a black scarf was tied around her hair. Even her hands were hidden beneath white leather gloves. But she was a woman. What man would be seen with leather gloves and a scarf round their head? Percy would be embarrassed.

"My favourite demigods," she said, her voice strangely familiar.

"That's not -" Annabeth began, but the woman held up her hand.

"You remember me, Annabeth Chase?" The woman laughed. "I recall you were to be part of my prized collection. How old were you - twelve? Thirteen? People paid well for pretty young girls."

"Medusa," Percy guessed.

"The penny drops!" Medusa cried. "I have waited for over four years to escape. And now I can. We can never die."

"But my friend," Percy said. "Frank. He released Thanatos. He sacrificed his life!"

"So Thanatos is free! But he has not returned to the Underworld. He is prevented from serving his duty, Perseus Jackson. Gaia has made sure of that. She has reopened the Doors."

Annabeth shook her head. "How can -"

"It's not difficult, dear," Medusa interrupted again. "The gods are weak. They are struggling to defend Olympus. I've heard how Kronos almost succeeded. Gaia is twice as powerful. It's going to take more than a few wannabe heroes to stop her. Kronos was a sapling. But Gaia is queen!"

Annabeth thought hard. "Kronos was a Titan. I know Gaia is Mother Earth and all, but -"

"She is more than that, half-blood! She is the woman who began the Greek gods, with her husband Ouranos! She gave birth to the Titans. And they had the Olympians. She is the cause for everything!"

"Stop interrupting me!" Annabeth shouted. She unsheathed her knife. "Gaia might be powerful, but she isn't all that. She isn't the cause of everything. She's the cause of destruction. Our friends -"

"The Prophecy of Seven!" Medusa declared with a laugh.

Percy could see Annabeth was getting agitated. Every time she tried to speak, Medusa interrupted her. He pulled out Riptide and held it aloft. "Let Annabeth talk."

Medusa laughed again. "Fine. If the child wishes to talk, then talk she shall. But it only puts your death on hold. I will kill you."

Annabeth shot Percy a grateful but annoyed glance. It was clear that she wanted to fight her own battles. "Our friends, they can defeat Gaia. We've been striving for months to find Gaia. I don't think you understand quite how much we've accomplished."

She waited for Medusa to say something, but the old hag stayed silent.

"Hera has bought together the Greek and Roman camps," Annabeth continued. "Combined, we can force Gaia back into sleep. Our friend Leo, son of Hephaestus, has found Archimedes' plans. Jason, a son of Jupiter from the Roman camp, and Percy, a son of Poseidon, are extremely powerful demigods. Gaia has met her match."

Medusa had the nerve to laugh again. "Thank you for that helpful speech, Annabeth. But I have nothing more to say. I am to enact revenge on Percy Jackson. Not only did he destroy my business and banish me here, but he killed my sisters - Stheno and Euryale! My sisters have not reformed. I have not seen them here."

Percy looked at his sword, then back at Medusa. He wasn't sure whether to strike. Talking was wasting time. He had promised to meet Nico di Angelo at the Doors of Death. If Percy could get there, and close them... Thanatos could return. Gaia's spell would be broken. Death could return to the world. Gaia's forces would be beatable.

Percabeth (completed): Book 1 - Percy Jackson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now