TMF as Victorious (Lander & Platonic!Jander)

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Zander: We're not done talking about this.

Luke: I am.

Zander: Well I'm not!

Luke: Listen, Stacy is just a friend.

Zander: Yeah, a friend who's already sent 6 text messages to you today!

(Luke's phone buzzes)

Zander: Seven.

Luke: You don't know if that's her.

Zander: Is it?

Luke: *looks at his phone* Um, what's your favorite tropical fruit?

Zander: Mangoes, and I don't like your new little friendship with Stacy!

Luke: It's a text message.

Zander: And what does it say? Maybe, *puts on a high voice* Hey Luke, my daddy just got richer and I just got prettier and let's make out.

Luke: Okay, let me see if I understand you.

Zander: Let's see if you do.

Luke: Because, you and I date, I can't be friends with other people?

Zander: You can be friends with ugly people.

Luke: You know what you— Jake, Jake! Can you come here for a minute?

Jake: What?

Luke: If you were my boyfriend—

Zander: What a great way to start the question.

Luke: *ignores him* Would you be mad if I was just friends with Stacy?

Zander: Who cares what he thinks?

Jake: Honestly, I wouldn't love it.

Zander, putting an arm around Jake's shoulder: I care what he thinks.

Luke: How can you say that? You don't even—

Jake: Look, I really don't wanna be a part of this— *tries to leave*

Zander, grabbing his arm and pulling him back beside him: No, you're not going anywhere.

Luke: So you don't think that a person should just trust their lover?

Jake: No, I- I do—

Zander: Get out of here Jake.

Jake: I'd love to! *tries to leave again*

Luke: Stay.

Jake: *groans and comes back*

Zander: You know what?

Luke: Tell me what.

Jake: No, no, don't tell him what!

Zander: We're done.

Jake: Zander!?

Luke: So you're breaking up with me?

Jake: No, no, no, no, no he's not—

Zander: Yeah, I am. *starts leaving*

Jake: Oh, he is.

Luke: You're being ridiculous!

Zander: Why do you care, I'm not your boyfriend anymore!


Jake, opening his door: Zander?

Zander: *enters without asking*

Jake: And now you're in my house. *closes the door*

Zander, holding up a kite: This kite is broken.

Jake: ...okay, and?

Zander: I was just walking around and *sniff* *voice higher than usual* I saw this kite and it's broken and somebody has to fix it!

Jake: want me to fix your kite?

Zander, throwing the kite away and stepping on it: WILL YOU FORGET ABOUT THE STUPID KITE?

Jake: I'm sorry I brought it up?

Zander, sobbing and an emotional mess: I WANT LUKE BACK!

Jake: But you broke up with Luke?

Zander, sitting (more like throwing himself) on the couch: I KNOW! But I was just mad, I still love him!

Jake: Zander, if you wanna get back together with Luke, then why don't you just tell him?

Zander: I did, but he rejected me! *continues sobbing*

Jake: Um, not to be mean, but why are you coming to me for help?


Jake: Okay, maybe you should— wait, are we frie— we're not even friends!

Zander: Yeah but maybe if you helped me then I'll like you!

Jake, sitting down beside him: So, if I help you I get a mean friend and a broken kite?

Zander, grabbing a nearby pillow and sobbing into it: Please, just please talk to Luke for me!

Jake: *awkwardly pats Zander's back* Okay. OKAY, okay! I'll talk to Luke!

Zander, his voice muffled: Do it soon.

Zander: *removes his head from the pillow and sniffs* I got a little makeup on your pillow...

Jake: It's okay... I'll just, ask my grandmother to make me another one. If she ever comes back to life.

Zander: *actually feels guilty*

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