Coffee Girl

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💗 : Haisy

The day at the cafe was as any other day. The bell rang as customers came and left, Hailey not finding anyone interesting despite the fact that the only reason she took up this job at the counter was to find cute boys or girls (and so that Zander won't be alone working there).

Hailey sighed as she leaned against the counter. Another boring day, she thought to herself, pushing back her annoying bangs. She was so tired.

That is, until a gorgeous girl walked in.

She had straight, long white hair, a hairclip attached in her bangs. A pretty blue dress hugged her waist, flowing slightly as she turned to look at the flowers.

She was beautiful.

Hailey found herself staring at the girl until she turned her head to look at the counter. Hailey almost fell in her hurry to collect herself and calm down, to hopefully not embarrass herself in front of such a pretty girl. The cute girl walked up to the counter, a spring in her step.

"Hello," the girl said, her voice sweet as sugar, "may I have a... vanilla latte with extra cream?"

"Yes!" Hailey coughed since her voice came out high pitched. "I mean, yes, sure, I'll go get that ready right now."

The girl smiled, her eyes curling into lovely crescents. Hailey couldn't help but watch as the girl sat down in a chair, taking out her phone. A sweet Melody played from the device and Hailey grinned. She loved that song—Delicate, by Taylor Swift. She wondered if the girl was a fan like her.

Someone elbowed her and Hailey gasped, jumping back a little. Zander handed her a cup of Vanilla latte with extra cream—the girl's order.

"You're gonna go give it to her or what?" he asked annoyedly. Hailey flushed, taking the cup and hurrying over to the girl.

Hailey placed the cup on the table. The girl flashed her a smile and Hailey's heart raced, causing her to stumble a bit. She quickly went back to behind the counter as to not embarrass herself further.

She found it very hard to focus on her job the rest of the time the girl was there, her eyes travelling back to the pretty girl every minute.

Hailey was busy staring at her until she turned off the music and looked up. Their eyes met and Hailey blushed furiously, rushing to make a coffee for herself. She needed to collect herself.

A moment later Hailey turned around and the girl was walking out of the door. Slightly disappointed, Hailey went to get the money and put away the girl's empty cup. Her eyes fell on the napkin neatly folded, placed on top of a plate near her empty cup. The words "for the pretty girl at the counter ❤" were written on it.

Hope hung on Hailey's heart as she opened the napkin, smiling widely at the sight.

Hope hung on Hailey's heart as she opened the napkin, smiling widely at the sight

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Hailey's cheeks tinted pink. She smiled, the image of Daisy smiling at her flashing in her head again. She's definitely going to call her.

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