Some Day Sequel - hurts to breathe (stay with me)

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🧡: Driamenry

Drew was absolutely not in the mood to talk.

That was predictable though, after what happened today, he was still stunned and felt like he was on the edge of tears all day. School finally ended and Drew was the first one out of class, which doesn't exactly happen often. He went to the park nearby he and his friends go to after school every day. He sat on the bench, opening his phone, trying to ignore the burning pain in his chest.

After a few moments of mindlessly scrolling through GachaTube, he looked up, for some reason surprised to see Henry and Liam looking at him with concern.

"Hey Drew," Henry said cheerfully, morphing his face into a careless expression that didn't quite reach his eyes, "what are you doing?"

Drew looked back at his phone. "Nothing, just GachaTube."

Henry sat beside him. "Oo what exactly are you watching?"

"Nothing," the low mumble basically told Henry he wasn't in the mood to talk, so he shut up.

Liam sensed the tension emitting from Drew, too, and sat down on Drew's other side. He thought about what to say for a moment before deciding on asking, "Where's Jake?"

"Is he with his freak friends again?" Henry said, not noticing how Drew tensed up even more.

"Did he forget to meet us here or something? Did he tell you anything, Drew?"

"Yes, he did," Drew's words came out with more of a bite than he originally desired, but whatever, "he wants to go with those damn freaks, and never hang out with us ever again."

Henry and Liam stared at him. He ignored their piercing gazes, emptily looking at his phone screen instead, though he couldn't process anything written.

"What do you mean...?" Henry asked carefully, bracing himself for Drew snapping again.

Except it didn't come. When Drew spoke, he sounded so small, so tired. "He... He said it'd be best if we stayed apart from now. He doesn't want us around."

The duo stayed silent, shocked and unsure what to say. They couldn't say they didn't expect this, but so suddenly...

But then again, is it really suddenly?

Drew turned off his phone, putting it in his pocket and staring at the ground. Henry looked at the ground too. Though Liam was shaken up himself, he knew Drew and Henry were more deeply affected.

Drew suddenly felt a bigger hand close around his own hand. He looked up at Liam helplessly.

"Are you okay, Drew?"

Henry perked up to listen in. Drew looked back at the ground, avoiding his gaze.

"I know that you and Jake were much closer than we were to him, so it must've hurt. You can talk to us, you know, we're right here to listen."

Henry nodded frantically in agreement. Liam waited for a response until a teardrop fell on his palm.

He immediately embraced Drew in a hug, Henry following after. Henry stroked his back gently, like he'd always done when Drew couldn't sleep.

It was overwhelming how quickly the pain and tears he'd been holding in hit him. A few simple reassuring words—the knowledge that someone cared—were more than enough to calm him down enough to break down the walls he's built up. Yeah, Liam's right. These two are still here, his best friends.

Drew's sobs decreased until they were just small sniffles. Henry and Liam's embrace was comforting and warm, and he wasn't sure he was ready to let go yet, so he just held on, a silent plea for them to stay.

And they would. They would stay for as long as he needed because that's what friends do.

Yeah, maybe everything isn't so bad after all.

Here you can see an author in her natural habitat—struggling with titles, as per usual.

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