Right Here

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💛 : Driamenrake

Drew woke up with a gasp, breathing heavily. He touched his face, he was sweating and his heart was beating way too fast.

"You okay, Drew?"

Oh yeah, he almost forgot. Liam, Henry and Jake were staying over for tonight, in the same room which had 4 different beds (don't ask why).

"You're sweating," Liam continued.

"I'm- I'm fine." Drew attempted to smile, but it came off as more of a grimace.

"Are you sure?" Jake asked, concerned.

Should he tell them? Well, they won't really judge him, he doesn't think they would.

"Just a nightmare," Drew muttered.

"What about?" Henry pressed on.

"It..." Drew took a deep breath. "That— that you guys left me, stopped being friends with me because you were sick of me bullying the music club."

It's been months since the competition, when Drew apologized, yet Drew was afraid. He didn't want to lose the three most important people to him.

"Drew, we would never. You know we won't."

"I know, but, it's not like I can control my dreams now can I?"

Jake chuckled. "Yeah, I guess not."

It was silent for a moment, until Liam spoke up. "Do you think you can sleep again?"

"I don't know," Drew said, "I was never really able to sleep after nightmares unless I'm hugging someone."

Jake thought for a moment, and then gasped as if a light bulb just turned on. "I have an idea."

Drew looked confused until Jake got off his bed and laid on Drew's bed instead, hugging him.

"What are you doing?" Drew asked, his face a bit red from embarrassment.

"If we all stay in the same bed tonight cuddling, you can sleep," Jake spoke as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Henry grinned. "That's a great idea, Jake!"

He also jumped off and laid in Drew's bed, laying literally on top of Drew. Liam shook his head, laughing a little as he got on Drew's other side.

"You guys really didn't have to." Drew pretended to be annoyed but really, he was touched.

"Of course we did," Henry said, "we're right here, Drew."

Drew slept peacefully that night.

Ngl this was fun to write 😃✨

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