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💗 : Mailey

Milly looks up from her book she isn't even reading, glancing at the pretty girl she's been trying to catch the eye of for weeks, and then looks down again, groaning.

"You know you can just ask her out, right? Like, you know, normal people?"

Milly stuck her tongue out at Sadie arranging books on library shelves. "My love life is none of your concerns."

"Yet you still always sit beside me to rant about how pretty Hailey is," the taller girl responded. "You're really cowardly for someone who gets in constant fights and troubles."

Sadie turned around to fix some books, unaware of Milly mocking her and making faces behind her back.

Milly does want to ask Hailey out. The girl is so pretty, with soft teal hair and a magical laugh. She once saw her laughing about something with Jake and Milly swears something in her changed that day. Maybe it was her gay awakening, she never really considered pursuing a relationship before Hailey, anyway.

But the problem is that Hailey is so pretty, she can never be nearly enough for her.

The bell rang, signaling another day she failed to confess, and she picked up her bag to go to her next class.

"What the actual fuck?"

"Chrysanthemums," Elliot said, examining the flowers. "Why would someone leave chrysanthemums under your desk?"

"Maybe to kill me," Milly said, sneezing again, "get those things away from me, would you!?"

After Elliot had thrown them in the trash and Milly had calmed down, they started their speculations again.

"Someone wants to kill me," Milly said as soon as she was able to breathe. "Call the police. I bet it was Zoey. She's trying to kill me!"

"Milly, no one knows about your allergy except me and Daisy—I don't think even Zander knows!

"Maybe... The person who sent these actually didn't know about your allergy, and wanted to gift you flowers." Elliot suggested, glancing at the trash can across the room, where the sad flowers currently sit. "Clearly they had bad luck."

"Well, isn't that great?" Milly buried her head in her arms. "They're never gonna impress me or get me to like them, but they will think I like them. Wonderful."

Just hope these flowers stop.

As Milly soon finds out, they don't stop.

They just keep coming and coming. Every day.

And that's how instead of a peaceful morning with an Americano, Milly greets every morning with a coughing and sneezing fit until someone gets the flowers away from her. And unsurprisingly, she got sick. Literally.


Sadie winces, face contorting in disgust. "What the hell— you're sick! What are you doing here!?"

"Fuck the chry-mums flowers or whatever!" Milly growls. "And fuck whoever the hell has a crush on me."

"Chrysanthemums," Sadie says calmly as per usual. Good, Milly desperately needs some peace right now.

They sat in silence for a moment before Milly broke it with a groan. "Why can't everyone just know I'm allergic to chrysanthemums—"

She was cut off by a loud choking noise. Hailey in a distance was coughing furiously and Luke was patting her back trying to calm her down.

She looked embarrassed and as soon as she (looked like) could breathe she ran out of the library, Luke following.


Milly didn't get flowers the next day, or the day after that.

As much as Milly is glad the flowers stopped, she kinda misses the attention. But she would never tell anyone that.

After a full week since the incident, Milly finds flowers on her desk again.

This time around, however, they were roses.

Milly smiled softly, placing one of the flowers in her hair. She hopes she finds out who the secret admirer is soon.

She did not, however, expect to find Hailey standing nervously right outside her class. Much less to call her.

"Millicent!" she called, loud enough for Milly to hear through the crowd, but Milly would've heard even if she spoke at a lower volume, for all her attention had been on the rose in Hailey's hair from the moment she stepped out.

Milly pushed through the crowd towards her, mentally preparing herself for the worst scenarios. What if she somehow found out about her crush and was here to reject her? The chances are unlikely but never zero.

"Hello," Hailey said shakily, fidgeting with the ends of her sweater. "Um, you probably know about the flowers..."

Hailey was so adorable.

"Yeah." Milly waved the bouquet of roses in her hand. "I would think so." Her eyes widened slightly. "You sent them?"

Hailey nodded, and hurriedly let out a cacophony of words. "I'm very sorry, about the chrysanthemums, I promise I didn't know about your allergy. I hope you aren't allergic to roses— although, I can guess you aren't—"

"Are you kidding?" Milly cut her off. "I mean, I've had a crush on you for months so I hope you aren't kidding."

Hailey looked dumbstruck. "I'm not."

"That's great," Milly said, her hand going to clutch and squeeze Hailey's hand, "because I'm already planning our wedding. But we can start with a date, sure."

Hailey blinked, and then burst into giggles, covering her mouth with her free hand, and Milly fell in love all over again.

"Of course."

delicate • a collection of the music freaks oneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang