Sweeter than Chocolate Cupcakes

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💗 : Driamenry

Being a coffee shop cashier isn't nearly as entertaining when you're not nosy.

Couples breaking up with drama and tears, getting the attention of the whole coffee shop while Drew just wants the floor to swallow him whole, is one of the worst. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with teens these days? Drew wasn't nearly as bad when he was still in high school five years ago.

And, much unlike Daisy had insisted, he found no one romantically interesting in here. Not even platonically interesting, to be completely honest. Most of them were just couples with drama and/or sad teens who had too much homework.

Well, sometimes life gives you pleasant surprises.

The first time he saw one of the people he'd spend the rest of his life with was on a normal Wednesday in March. The usual teens, a few chattery old ladies, and three teens laughing way too loudly about unknown things in a corner.

There he walked in, looking like a dream with red hair—Liam Campbell.

Drew didn't notice him at first, but he certainly did when Liam attempted to strike up a conversation with "Hey, are you a Malfoy? Because I want to Slytherin to your heart."

The best part was Liam looked like he was in actual physical pain just saying it, and Drew really couldn't help doubling over in laughter.

Getting to know him was even more fun in the next two hours they spent together, losing track of time. Despite having a big mouth and flirty smile Liam wasn't good with getting flirted back with. But it's okay, Drew loved seeing his flushed red ears when he kissed his cheek goodbye.

They texted pretty much constantly the two days after that—right before Drew had the interaction that would leave his head whirring.

When he came in, Drew didn't notice him, either—though that one's probably because he had fallen asleep.

Henry didn't seem like the type to interact with strangers, so it was weird he approached Drew immediately. But Drew was fine with it. He could finally be willing to get through work energetically with Henry's smile alone.

Which gives him a crisis because he's not only interested in one person, but two?

He's always known he's gay—well, since middle school anyway. But poly? That was... unexpected. Worse because he got Henry's number too and texting him just makes him fall harder. He doesn't even know how to break it to them.

Well, he didn't really have to, since fate seemed to really be on his side these days.

"Hey, I have to ask you something."

Drew hummed, not looking up from the Americano he was currently making for a customer.

"You know Henry, right?"

Drew turned his head back so fast he nearly gave himself a whiplash.

"Yeah? Do you?"

"Yeah." Liam nodded, hesitating before continuing. "Yeah... I should know him well, considering the fact that he's my boyfriend."

The silence following was uncomfortable for Liam. Drew though, was in a crisis in his head.

They're boyfriends. They're boyfriends. Why did they flirt with me then? To play with me? That can't be, they aren't like that— what the fuck?

Liam seemed to have read his thoughts, since he was quick to reassure. "It's not what it seems like! We both do like you!"

Drew's shoulders sagged a little from relief. Liam gulped nervously. "So... have you heard of the term poly?"

As it turns out, Henry and Liam are dating and both are openly poly but still in a closed relationship, aka they both have to be in love with the new person if they add one, or else it isn't happening. When Liam talked to Drew, he really liked him and told Henry about him—the exact reason Henry showed up mere days later. They both decided they wanted him as their boyfriend. Drew's head was spinning with this newfound information by the time Liam was done explaining. His years of being religious finally paid off. He fucking loves God.

"So? What do you say?"

"What do I say?" Drew's smile was so bright it could rival the sun. "Of course I want you both."

Liam's giddy smile was worth all the days he spent panicking. He's sure he loves them both.

(When Liam dragged him to his and Henry's apartment, the first thing he was greeted by was Henry running to tackle him in a hug, jokingly shouting "Welcome home!"

Well, maybe he doesn't want it to be a joke. Maybe someday it won't be.)

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