Short and Sweet

712 14 4

💗: Driam

"It's really cold here," Henry whined.

A snowflake dropped on Henry's nose, causing him to shiver before shaking it off.

Zoey laughed. "I guess you should've wore a scarf, hm? Like I told you you should?"

Henry huffed, standing straighter. "No, Zoey, I'm fine without it."

They continued chatting or bickering over that, but Drew wasn't listening anymore. He was busy watching the red-haired guy beside him, who was humming a Christmas song.

Sadie walked along the pathway near Zoey and Henry, watching them with a fond smile. Drew and Liam were falling behind, Liam lost in his thoughts and Drew focused on the way his heart fluttered every time Liam so much as smirked.

"Hey Drew," Liam said suddenly, snapping Drew out of his thoughts. He avoided gazing into Liam's eyes, thought that he wouldn't be able to breathe if he did. He nodded anyway though, signaling Liam to continue.

"After getting the food at the restaurant, are you free?"

Drew didn't know why he blushed at that. It just felt so... different? Liam never asked if he was free. He always just asked if he wanted to hang out. Why was Drew so fixated on his words, anyway?

"Yeah," Drew said, "you want to hang out?"

Liam nodded. Drew's cheeks flushed a little. "But, didn't Henry say that he will have to go to his house early today? You know... to celebrate with his family."

Liam shrugged. "It can be just the two of us."

Drew's heart skipped a beat, snapping his head to Liam. Liam was raising his eyebrow at him, an almost teasing smile on his face, like he knew exactly what he was doing to him. Drew nodded, not having anything to say.

"Are you not cold?" Liam asked after a few moments of silence.

"Kind of," Drew said, breathing out a puff of air that was cold and smoke-like.

"We're here!" Zoey exclaimed, pulling at Henry's arm excitedly. Zoey led Henry inside, but Sadie raised her eyebrow at Liam stopping Drew outside.

"We're coming," he nodded, "you go along."

Sadie obeyed with a shrug, walking back inside. Drew looked at Liam, confused.


Liam surprised him by leaning in to kiss his forehead. It was gentle, and Drew's breath caught in his throat, absolutely unable to speak.


"Let's go in," Liam said, smiling at Drew. Drew realized that Liam's ears were pink too. Maybe he didn't think through this himself.

"Yeah," Drew said, his voice a bit more high-pitched than usual.

He found the courage in himself to reach out and hold Liam's hand. Liam's cheeks went red at that, but he didn't complain. He shyly smiled, looking away and Drew wondered where his confidence went all of a sudden.

They walked into the restaurant hand in hand, hoping for a good Christmas, and an even better year together.

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