That's my fucking best friend

824 13 2

💛: Zailey

"Zander, can you come and pick me up, please?"

"I don't want to thirdwheel, thanks."

"No, no... just come here. Please."


The first thing he noticed when he stepped into the restaurant was the overwhelming scent of cats. Zander silently judged Hailey's date's taste, reaching up to cover his ears because of the loud chatter, when he heard a familiar voice.

"Zander! Over here!"

When Zander finally saw Hailey, her state was surprising.

She looked almost exactly like how she did when she left the house, except for the visible tear tracks on her face. Zander's so glad he had convinced her to not wear mascara.

Hailey didn't greet him. She walked past him out the exit, Zander scrambling to follow her.

The walk to the car was in awkward silence. Hailey's date was nowhere in sight, and he knew what it implied, but he didn't know if he wanted to confirm it.

The silence was only broken when they were both in the car.

"How bad was it?" Zander asked, his curiosity getting the best of him.

Hailey scoffed. "It can't be bad if it never happened at all."

Zander was confused for only a second, before the realization made him wince.

He didn't know if he should push her to vent or not. She's the type to keep her troubles to herself, to never share anything. He doesn't want to push her but at the same time, he doesn't want her to bottle up her emotions.

"And I dressed up and all for him." Hailey scoffed, taking off her black coat and throwing it in the backseat.

Zander decided to start driving.

Hailey stayed silent throughout it, not even opening her phone to distract herself. "I know you're thinking stupid things in your big head again," Zander stated, "it wasn't your fault he was too incompetent to even shoot a message."

Hailey sighed. "I'm not as sad as I am mad. This always happens to me, when I really try. Was I not even worth showing up for?"

"Of course you are worth showing up for. You're worth knowing. He's the problem, playing with people's feelings just to awaken insecurity in them."

Hailey gave him a half smile. Zander turned to a road that definitely didn't lead to their home, and Hailey raised her eyebrow. "Where are we going?"

"Somewhere." Hailey would've teased him, but seeing the signboard which is close to her favorite restaurant, she didn't say anything, only smiling slightly.

"Thank you, really. Where would I be without you?"



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