Dance With Me

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💗 : Stailey

"Here! Honey, come here!"

Hailey followed behind Stacy into the woods. Camping wasn't really Hailey's cup of tea, but if it's for Stacy, maybe she doesn't mind.

"Look at that, an owl!" Stacy pointed at an owl nearby, so excited she was almost jumping on her feet. "Hailey, Hailey, do you know that owls can rotate their necks at 270 degrees? 135 degrees at each angle. My dad told me."

"I didn't know," Hailey said, "that sounds really cool. Imagine how would've it been like if humans could do the same."

Stacy grimaced. "Ew."

They both giggled out loud. They stood in comfortable silence, gazing at the night sky, silence only broken by the occasional noises the owl makes.

"Hey, Hails," Stacy asked suddenly, "can I dance with you?"

Hailey blinked at her, surprised by her sudden request. Stacy took out her phone, playing her favorite song she had (luckily) downloaded.

Hailey's cheeks tinted with pink the moment she heard the song.

I found love, for me,
Darling just dive right in, and follow my lead...

"Well I found a girl," Stacy sang along, not taking her eyes off Hailey, "beautiful and sweet. I never knew you were the someone waiting for me."

Stacy stood up, holding out her hand for Hailey to take. Hailey took it without a moment of hesitation, standing up just for Stacy to wrap her arms around her, swaying slightly to the music.

I will not give not give you up this time.
Darling just kiss me slow,
Your heart is all I own,
And in your eyes you're holding mine.
Baby, I...

Stacy didn't realize how much the lyrics genuinely related to them, dancing in the middle of a forest at night, her favorite song playing while she swayed with the love of her life in her arms. Maybe this is what true happiness feels like, Stacy thought to herself, her forehead pressed against Hailey's, the precious ombre eyes staring back into her periwinkle ones.

Yeah, this is truly what happiness feels like.

I whispered underneath my breath, but you heard it,

"Darling, you look perfect tonight," was the last whisper she heard before Stacy's lips pressed against her own, so surprising and so sweet Hailey might've fallen over if not for Stacy's arms holding her up. Kinda like how she didn't know where she'd be if not for the pretty blue-haired girl in her life.

With Stacy's arms around her, keeping her warm and protecting her from any and every danger, life couldn't be better.

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