Far Too Young To Die (Various POV)

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        Pain. Horrible pain. That's all my mind could register. I couldn't breathe and the room was dimming. I heard a familiar voice scream. The voice... The beautiful voice that screamed my name. Benedict? Another gun shot rang out and the pain increased. I fell backwards as I closed my eyes, letting the pain engulf my body and mind. I knew I was going to die, and I wasn't scared... Was I...? I need to stay awake... I want... to live... I felt myself fading away. Don't go... Don't leave... Stay for Benedict and Michelle.... I love them so much... I---

Benedict POV

        I pulled up into Mia's driveway, begging Michelle to stay in the car. I jumped out and ran to the door. I heard a gun shot and my heart began to race. I began to kick at the door. I heard Ize and Quinn scream at each other, and then another gun shot rang out. I kicked open the door and saw Ize kneeling over Mia, bleeding from her arm and chest. I screamed her name. My beautiful wife was dying... I charged at Quinn, and he fired another shot at Ize before I tackled him to the ground. I punched him in the face, breaking his nose as I reached for the gun. Quinn punched my cheek, trying to remove me from pinning him on the ground. I grabbbed the gun and pistol whipped Quinn in the temple, knocking him unconcious. I stood up and kicked his limp body. I would deal with the bastard later.
       I ran to Ize, sliding onto the ground next to her. I scooped her up into my arms, tears streaming down my face. My beautiful, sweet Ize wasn't breathing, but she was still warm. I traced my fingers along her lips, hoping that they would form the words of love. I kissed them, tears mingling into the kiss. She was dead. I screamed in despair. Nothing could bring my wife back.
     "Daddy?" Michelle's voice broke through the pain. I turned to her, tears still pouring down my face.
     "Mama...? Is mama..." Michelle started to cry. She knew that my Ize was gone. I reached for her, pulling her close.
    "Yes. Mama... is dead. She's watching over us... right now." I sobbed. This despair was too real. I wanted Ize to comfort me, but how could a dead person comfort a living person?
    Michelle touched Ize's face, and then leaned down and kissed her forehead, "I love you, Mama."


   I'm dead... Or so I think. The pain was completely gone, but there was nothing but white surrounding me. Is this the afterlife?
    I walked, hoping to reach a destination. But it seemes like an endless void. I grew tired and sat down, my legs aching. How do my legs ache? Where am I?
    I began to think about Benedict and Michelle. My wonderful husband and my little angel were all alone. Would Benedict remarry and give Michelle a step-mother? I shook my head. Of course not... would he? I started to think about when we first met and how quickly everything began. We loved each other so much... But now I'm dead... Right?
    I need to go back. I want to go back. I want Benedict and Michelle. They need me. TAKE ME BACK. TAKE ME BACK TO MY LOVES. I WANT TO GO BACK.
    I started beating on the floor, which cracked a little bit. I started punching harder and harder, the crack expanding. TAKE ME BACK! I NEED THEM! I NEED THEM! YOU CAN'T KEEP ME HERE FOREVER!
    I kept beating the floor, my arms aching, but I pushed on, my determination to go back overshadowing my aches. Then, another pair of hands started to punch the floor with me. I look up, looking James in the face. He smiled, while we both kept trying to break this void.
   The crack shattered and a light began to shine brightly. James and the void began to fade, and I heard a small voice say, "You're going home..."

Benedict POV

   Tears still falling, I instructed Michelle to go back to the car and to stay there. I didn't want her to witness her daddy killing her papa and great aunt.
   Before she left, we heard a small meow. Violin limped towards Michelle. She purred as Michelle picked her up and carried her back to the car.
    I picked up the gun, standing over Mia, who was slowly beginning to wake up. I cocked it and aimed at her head, my finger ready on the trigger. Mia opened her eyes, and looked straight at the barrel.
    "This is for Ize." I pulled the trigger, slightly jumping at the noise. I wiped the tears that were streaming down my face, and headed towards Quinn.
    The bastard shouldn't even be breathing... He won't be for long. I readed the gun and fired at Quinn's head, "This is for Ize."

   I threw the gun at the wall, still crying. I went back to Ize's body and slowly took her into my arms. I kissed the top of head, whispering, "I love you."
    There was a sharp gasp, and Ize's body shuddered. I yelled, startled, and nearly dropped her.
    "I'm back," She whispered, wincing, "Benedict...? My wonderful husband... Take me to the hospital."
    I kissed her lips as softly as I could, "You're back..."
    She smiled, "I'm far too young to die."


Yeah, sorry if it's too dark or sad. Next chapter is the last one (Sad noises) I updated on my phone, so sorry its too short. Congratulations for making it this far! Here's a cookie. *insert pixelated cookie here*

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