I Will Possess Your Heart (Quinn's POV)

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Quinn's POV

    I woke up to Ize's sweet laughter trailing downstairs. She was happy... Of course. I looked down at Michelle. She was still asleep. I smiled and softly kissed her tiny head.
    Benedict's deep voice broke into my ears. I hated Benedict. I loved Michelle. I loved Ize. But I hated Benedict. I hated his smile, his laughter, his hair, his face, his body, his eyes. Everything. Ize should've loved me, not him. He's so old! And I'm young. I can take care of Ize and Michelle better than him.
    What if I called the cops on him? No. I hate cops. There has to be something... Then it dawned on me. What if I took Michelle? I could raise her as my own. Ize was so wrapped up with Benedict that she wouldn't notice her baby gone. But it would hurt her, wouldn't it? I shook my head. Who cares? You do.
    Stupid Benedict. He was going to leave her! Doesn't she remember that? Of course not. She forgave him so easily that it made me sick. I was there when he wasn't. Why would she do this to me? Because she doesn't care about you. You were just a rebound. She never cared about you. She never wanted to be your friend. You were just convenient for her. Why would she ever pay attention to you? Take Michelle and raise her as your own. Benedict and Ize can have another child.

   I don't know how it happened or when, but I suddenly realized that I had Michelle tucked into my left arm and my right hand was on the steering wheel of the car. The car was rumbling, as if it was ready to go, to run away from Ize and Benedict. I put the gear into reverse, slowly backing out into the street. Goodbye, Ize... Fuck you, Benedict.
    A distant memory popped up. It seemed so long ago. "I will never leave your side, Ize. I will always be here, no matter what." I broke my promise to her. The promise I made so long ago. She will never forgive me for this...
    It dawned on me that I was on the run with Michelle. She was still asleep, oblivious that I had just kidnapped her from her own mother and father. I continued on to the nearest store. I needed a car seat for little Michelle. Had Ize and Benedict not realized that I stole their child? No, of course not. They wouldn't care...
   I bought a car seat and other supplies for Michelle, who was awake at this point. But she still did not cry. Her eyes looked at me in wonder and I felt a pang of guilt. I ignored it and strapped Michelle into her car seat.
   Where to go? I had miles and miles of road ahead of me, but with no destination. Maybe I'll go to somewhere populated like New York. Or somewhere isolated like Wyoming. I felt a vibration on the side of my pocket. Ize.

   I picked up, "Hello?"
   "Where's Michelle? Where are you?" Ize sounded calm.
    "Somewhere." I answered.
   "Quinn, is this a joke?" she became serious.
   "No. You're so wrapped up with your Benedict. I don't think you deserve Michelle. I'm taking her. And you can't stop me, Ize. No one can. She's mine now. I love her more than you can ever love her." I stated.
   "What the actual fuck, Quinn!? She's my fucking daughter! And Benedict is my fiance! You bring Michelle back right fucking now, or I swear to God, I will call the cops on you, Quinn."
   "Fiance? Congratulations. I'm not bringing her back. Go ahead and call the cops, Ize. I'll be long gone by then." I replied to her.
    "Quinn, please. If you truly love Ize, don't make her suffer this way. Don't take our baby away..." Benedict was on the phone. I heard Ize sobbing in the background. My heart began to ache and my hand clutched the steering wheel, my knuckles turning white.
   "Benedict, you can fuck off." I tried to harden my voice, but it faltered.
   "Quinn! You-you're my best friend! P-please, don't do this!" Ize was back on the phone, her sobs echoing. I gritted my teeth. Goddamn you, Ize. I had to finish this call or else...
   "Goodbye, Ize." then I hung up on her. I threw my phone out the window, tears streaming down my face. I sniffed and wiped them away with the back of my hand. No going back now.

   I was into an hour of driving when Michelle started to cry. At first I thought she was whimpering, but then it escalated into full-blown cries. I pulled over to the side of the road, turning the car off. She must be hungry. I got into the back seat with her and began to prepare her milk, all while trying to shush her. I finished and then began to feed her. She was so precious. And she was mine. Not Ize's. Not Benedict's. Michelle was my daughter. And no one was going to change that.

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