You Only Live Once

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   I stared at Jack, mouth open in shock. This couldn't be happening. Benedict set his arms on my shoulders and pulled me back towards him. He wrapped his arms in front of me, murmuring things that I couldn't understand.

    Jack's eyes narrowed, "Ize, come here with me."

    I shook my head, "What are you doing at my house?"

   Jack laughed, "School had your address, sweetheart." He slowly got up.

   James crossed over to James' side and slapped a hand on his shoulder, "James used to be my friend when we first lived here. Remember, Ize? He used to give you a lollipop every time he came by."

   I squinted my eyes, trying to recall... Then it dawned on me. Oh my god. Jack Stephens was friends with my brother. Oh my god. My eyes began to widen again. Jack's grin seemed menacing and I shrank back against Benedict.

     "So, I was talking to Jack and while I clean up this mess and I sober up, you should uh... go live with him for a while." James cleared his throat.

    I furiously shook my head, "No. I'd rather live on the streets than live with Jack.

   James' face scrunched into concern, "What? Why?"

   "I... I don't feel comfortable in other people's houses." I lied. I loved being in other people's houses.

   "But Jack is a friend. Come on, Ize." James's head tilted to the side, pouting.

   "No. Can't I stay with Benedict?" I linked my arm with his. James's eyebrows went up while Jack scowled, his face turned away from James.

   "Wait, where did you guys even meet?" James crossed his arms.

   I looked up at Benedict, my eyes asking for help. He glanced at me before answering James, "We sort of ran into each other."

   "Yea. Sure. How old are you, Benedict? You are far over 30, that's for sure." Jack interceded, a smirk on his face. I wanted to smack that grin off his face.

   Benedict sighed, running a hand through his hair, "I am 37."  He stared James straight in the face.

  James narrowed his eyes, taking a step towards Benedict. His fists were clenched and a rage began to spread across his facial features. He grabbed my shoulder and tossed me aside. I yelped as I collided with the table. The corner dug into my rib cage. Benedict tried to go over to me, but James pushed him against a wall. Jack stood in the background, grinning like a mad man.

   "YOU ARE A FUCKING PERVERT! STAY AWAY FROM HER, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!" James screamed into Benedict's face. Benedict remained emotionless.

   "Wait, James-" I began to walk towards James when Jack grabbed my arm, pulling me towards him.

    "You can't chose with whom you fall in love with." Benedict calmly replied. This caused James to relax his grip on Benedict.

   "I know," he managed to choke out. He released Benedict and looked up at him, then at me, "I loved someone before... Except this was different."

    "How?" I asked him, still trying to get my arm free from Jack's grip.

   James let out a shaky breath and he looked at the ground, "I-I'm gay..."

   There was a silence after he said that. No one moved at all. Then I broke the silence, "But you dated girls! You always brought them home and locked yourself in the bedroom with them."

   "I know. I know. It was all a cover up. I thought maybe if I found the right girl, I wouldn't be gay. But I didn't. I fell in love with one of my best friends. But he didn't want anything to do with me in that way. When I told him, he taunted me and laughed. He broke me." James was crying at this point.

   Benedict put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. I finally got my arm free and went over to James.

    "Why didn't you tell me? I'm your sister. I basically know everything about you. Why, James?" I hugged my brother. At that moment, I didn't care whether Jack was there or whether Benedict was hugging the both of us. I cared about my big brother. My brother whose life spiraled out of control because of his drug usage. My brother who is gay.

   "I was scared, Ize. I was so scared. I was already rejected once. I didn't want it to happen again." James cried into my shoulder. I shushed him, telling him that it didn't matter anymore.

   "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Seriously!? Your sister is involved with a 37 year old teacher and this happens!?" Jack yelled at us.

   James looked up at Jack and then turned towards Benedict, "Teacher? You're her teacher?"

   Benedict remained emotionless as he nodded his head. James then turned towards me, his eyes filled with tears and shock, "Ize. That's illegal... Ize. No. Anyone else would be fine. But I don't want my baby sister getting arrested because of a teacher..."

   I turned towards Jack, who had a smirk on his face. I ran towards him and tackled him to the floor. I began to violently punch him in the face, screaming obscene things at him. Why couldn't he just stay away from me!?

   I felt arms pull me away, but I struggled against them. I wanted to kill Jack at that moment. I wanted him out of my life.

   The arms successfully pulled me away from Jack, who was in a fetal position. I kicked him one last time as I was hoisted into the air. I was flung over the person's back and I began to beat on their back.

  "Ize, please stop. You'll hurt my back." Benedict's voice seemed to calm me down. I relaxed against him and he moved me around, until I was in bridal position. He turned to face James, with me craddled in his arms. Jack was groaning in pain. I smiled inside.

   I wrapped my arms around Benedict's neck and set my head against his chest. I loved to feel the raise and fall of his chest. I loved the sound of his heartbeat. To me, it felt as if it was beating just for me.

   I heard James sigh, "Okay. You win. Take care of my baby sister. I know that even if I tried to stop her from seeing you, she'd still find a way to be with you... Just take care of her."

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