Oh Darling

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2 days later...

It took us a while to arrive in California. Quinn was super excited, as he's never been to California, or out of Arkansas for that matter. I glanced at Quinn and he made eye contact, his grin spreading from ear to ear. I returned a small smile. Then I resumed looking out the window, watching the world go by while listening to 'I Wanna Hold Your Hand' by The Beatles on full volume.

When we were in front of our house, I told Quinn to stop, so he pulled into the driveway. I realized that I didn't even have a key. I hoped that the front door would be unlocked. Quinn turned off the car and I stepped out. My legs began to tremble again, but I took a deep breath, trying to calm them down.

After I calmed down, I walked up to my house and I set my hand on the doorknob, praying to some unknown entity that it would be unlocked. I turned my hand and was unlocked. I let out a breath that I had been holding and pushed the door.

Everything was the way we left it. I stepped forward, looking up the stairway. I heard Quinn set my luggage down behind me. I lingered at the bottom for a while, thinking of the memories. Tears rolled down my eyes, but I quickly wiped them away. I ascended the stairway towards my room, wondering why I was so hesitant.

I stopped at the door, heavily breathing. I slowly opened the door. There was someone on my old bed. My heart began to beat in my throat, realizing who it was. It was him. It was the love of my life. The father of my unborn child. It was Benedict. He was breathing slowly, tightly holding onto my pillow. I stared, my mouth opened. I heard Quinn rushing up the stair behind me and I quickly turned around, putting my finger to my lips.

I motioned towards the inside of my room and Quinn slowly stepped towards me until he was by my side. He looked angry. Maybe at Benedict. Who knows?

Benedict stirred, turning until he was facing the ceiling. He was still holding my pillow and he murmured something that made my heart jump, "Ize... I'm sorry..."

I walked over until I was standing over Benedict. I bent over and I ran my hand through his hair lightly. I realized that he had shaved. I ran my finger over his cheekbone down to his jawline. I felt a smile creep up on my face, and I suddenly felt at peace, even if it was for a moment or two.

Suddenly, Benedict opened his eyes and sat straight up, surprising me. He turned towards me, grabbed my face with both of his hands, and pulled me towards him, "I'm glad you followed me." and he kissed me. It was like our goodbye kiss. Desperate, yet filled with hope and life. The familiar taste of tea was still there.

Quinn cleared his throat and we separated. Quinn was awkwardly standing at the doorway still, his mouth in a thin line. He stepped towards us, but then decided to stand at the end of the bed, arms crossed.

"Benedict, I just want to say how much of a douche canoe you are. You wouldn't BELIEVE how many times Ize played 'Oh Darling' by The Beatles on our way here, including singing at the top of her lungs." Quinn stated. I felt my face heat up. I wanted to become invisible or something.

"Well, I'm sorry? Not sure if I should apologize or not." Benedict replied, shrugging.

Quinn clicked his tongue, "That was comic relief. Anyways, I don't understand why you have to be all dickish one moment and then so amazing with Ize another moment. You weren't there every time she had a breakdown. You weren't there to dry her tears or hold her hair back every time she threw up. You weren't there for her like I was these past days. You left all because of her aunt saying that she was cheating on you with me? Wow."

There was silence after Quinn finished ranting. Benedict opened his mouth, trying to say something, but he closed it. Then, Quinn took my arm and pulled me close to him, putting distance between Benedict and I.

"And yes, I admit. I am in love with Ize. But she's in love with you. I wish I was you sometimes. But nah, I like being me. I'm cool and cute." he shrugged. He patted my head and laughed a little bit, "You're so short, Ize. Have you ever noticed that?"

I nodded, surprised at Quinn's revelation. Quinn was in love with me? Quinn, my best friend on this green earth, was in love with me. I couldn't believe it.

Benedict stood up and said, "Well, that was a big revelation, but I'll be having Ize back now."

Quinn shook his head, "No. My Ize." He petted me.

Benedict huffed, "Give me Ize. You get that she's mine, right?"

I twisted out of Quinn's grip and angrily said, "I am not a piece of property, you douche faces." and with that, I turned and rushed out of the room, not watching where I was going. I slipped on a rug and fell face fowards towards the stairs. I screamed, falling. I hit the stairs and began rolling down. Every part of my body slammed onto the stairs and my head banged constantly against the railings. It felt like an eternity. Rolling and rolling, I continued screaming.

I screamed, "MY BABY! OH MY GOD!" My baby. My child. Be safe. Don't be... I didn't finish the thought as I hit my head so hard that my world went black.

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