Eleanor Rigby

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I heard a car pull up in the driveway. My heart began to race. Oh my god, they're here! I unplugged my phone and stuck it into my pocket before running down the stairs, Violin following close behind me. I couldn't contain my excitement. I arrived at the door, taking a deep breath. Two knocks.

Why would he be knocking? I swear, if Benedict lost the house keys, I will shank a hoe.

I opened the door and screamed. Quinn Wemberly was standing at my doorway, gun raised and pointed towards my face.

"Ize... Hello. It's been a while, hasn't it? I seem to have beat Benedict here. Come with me," He waved the gun towards him, "It's not really like you have a choice anyways."

I stared at the barrel of the gun, "Quinn? Why... I... Let me take my cat." Here I am, facing life or death, and I ask to take my cat. My priorities have really gotten out of hand.

Quinn looked down at Violin, who looked back with curiosity, and meowed.

"Fine, take the cat. But any sudden moves and you're dead." Quinn had such a tone in his voice that I was severely frightened at this point. I slowly bent down to pick up Violin, Quinn walking behind me. He closed the door and put the gun to my back. My nerves went into a frenzy and I let out a shaky breath to calm them.

"Walk to the car," he ordered. I obeyed, walking towards the passenger's side, "Open the door."

I got into the car, nearly in tears. My old best friend has kidnapped my daughter, and now he's kidnapping me... Goddamnit, Quinn.

Quinn set the gun in his lap as he turned on his car, his eyes staring straight forward. I studied his face as I stroked Violin for comfort. He seemed older. He had bags under his eyes and his once youthful appearance was now faded. Quinn had become ancient. His eyes were red and swollen, and his lips were dry and cracked. His face was paler than I remembered. He had lost his boyish charm.

He turned towards me, his right eyebrow raised in caution, "You're staring at me. It's making me uncomfortable."

"You made me uncomfortable when you stole my daughter but y'know, it's whatever." I replied, wishing that I didn't study his face at all.

"Ize, you were still a baby when you had her. A baby playing with a baby... It's not... cool." He said, turning around so he could pull out of my driveway.

"You're my age, asshole. You can't be saying shit. You're basically contradicting yourself." I argued.

"Benedict took my child away from me." Quinn was angry at this point, and so was I. Well, I've been angry for 4 years, but now I was angrier.

"Your child!? Bitch, you didn't even produce the sperm for her! You didn't carry her for 9 months! So shut the fuck up, Quinn!" I raised my hand at this point to punch him in the face. Quinn was quicker than me, getting the gun and pointing it straight at my face, the barrel touching my nose.

"Fuck you, Ize. You shut up right now or I swear to god, I will fucking kill you." Quinn breathed heavily, his face red.

"Do it. Shoot me, Quinn." I dared him. He looked conflicted. His knuckles were turning white on the gun.

"Fuck you, Ize!" he screamed, turning the gun until he had the barrel in his hand. He brought the gun down to my head, and a pain erupted on my skull and then my world turned black.

I awoke at the sound of music, my head throbbing immensely. 'I Am The Walrus' by The Beatles was playing. I slightly stirred, trying to feel for Violin. She wasn't on my lap. Oh my god, did Quinn throw her out? I reached down at my feet. She wasn't there.

"Where the fuck is my cat?" I winced at the pain in my head.

"In the back seat." Quinn merely responded. I turned to confirm it, and there she was, curled up and asleep.

I turned back around, "Where are we going?"

"Back to Arkansas," he replied. He dug into his pocket and pulled out my phone, "Here. Call Benedict and tell him what happened. Put it on speaker so I can hear."

I dialed Benedict's number, putting it on speaker. Ring... Ring... Ring...

"Ize?" Benedict's beautiful voice filled the car. It still had the same effect on me as it did the first time we met.

"Benedict... Quinn has me." I said, my voice quivering.

"Tell me that you're lying, Ize. I barely got our daughter back and now he's taken you? Ize, please tell me that this is a cruel joke you're playing on me." Benedict's voice pleaded. It hurt me to hear him so pained.

I opened my mouth to reply, but Quinn beat me to it, "No, it's not a joke. I have your wife. You took my daughter from me, so I took your wife from you. It's only fair."

We heard a small voice in the background and some rustling, "Papa? Papa, why are you doing this?" My beautiful daughter's voice, oh my god.

"He took you from me, sweetie. I just want you back." Quinn was crying at this point. I didn't feel any remorse. I cried 4 years for my daughter, fuck you.

"No, papa. You took me from them. But I'll still visit you. Please, papa. Bring mama back to me." her sweet angelic voice begged him. Quinn gripped the steering wheel. Was he going to go back? Oh god, please go back.

"I'm sorry, sweetie. I want you all to myself. I don't want to share you with them." he sobbed. Stop crying!

"Quinn, I swear to god, bring my Ize back to me! Stop tearing my family apart, you bastard!" Benedict screamed. No, goddamnit Benedict. We nearly had him!

"Fuck you, Benedict, " Quinn got himself together fairly quickly, "You want her? Come get her. I'll give you a hint since I don't intend on keeping her for long. She's going to see James."

Author's note: Thank you guys so much for sticking with me while I write this story. I never thought I'd get this far in a story. Usually, I write a story and give up. But with this one, I stuck with it. A few more chapters and the tale of Ize and Benedict will end. When I began writing the story, I was suffering from horrible depression. Now as we near the end, I've gotten better and I've been more happy. Thank you all for reading this story. It means so much to me.

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