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James got out of the hospital around the same time Benedict arrived to Arkansas. Everyone pretty much knew about the pregnancy and all pretty much accepted it.
When Benedict texted me that he was at the front door, I became embarrassed. James had gone back to his old habits, but it was becoming worse. He began using meth as well. I frequently fought with him about this, telling him that I was pregnant and that he couldn't do that around me. Of course, he never listened.
I opened the door and Benedict pulled me into an embrace. I wrapped my arms around him, breathing in his scent again. We were pressed tightly against one another. I finally had my Benedict in my arms once more. I was fully happy. My baby was back with me.
Auntie Mia came into the living room, wiping her hands on a dish towel. She smiled at Benedict and walked towards us. Benedict had an arm draped on my shoulders while outstretching his other arm, "Hello. You must be Mia."
"And you must be Benedict." She shook his hand, looking at him in a way I didn't particularly enjoy. Or it maybe my mind overreacting. Who knows?

Benedict brought his luggage up to my room, setting it at the foot of my bed. He loosened his tie, kicked off his shoes, and laid on my bed. He patted the space next to him and I got into bed as well. He pulled me in close to him and I rested my head where his heart was. He kissed the top of my head, murmuring, "I missed you so much, Ize."
I closed my eyes, "I missed you as well, Benedict."
"There was a new student that arrived a week after you left. She and Mr. Stephens were caught having... Inappropriate interactions in a classroom. Needless to say, he's been arrested."
I looked up at him, "Oh my god, finally. Does this mean I can go back to California with you?"
He stroked my back, "I don't know, love. I'd love for you to live with me, but your brother needs you right now."
"No he doesn't. He has his drugs to keep him company. I need to get out of here, Benedict. he smokes around me. That could harm the baby."
"Have you told him to stop?" he became concerened.
"I have. He tells me to fuck off, that it's his life, that he doesn't care anymore. He's broken. He's completely broken, Benedict."
"Michael's death has been hard on him. Ize. Drugs isn't good for him, or for anybody for that matter, but he needs professional help."
I sighed, "I know. I know, Benedict."

There was a tap on my window and I looked up to see Quinn trying to open the window. Benedict was fast asleep and I didn't want to wake him, so I quietly snuck out of the bed to open the window. I lifted up the window and shushed Quinn. He nodded and slowly climbed in.
He nodded towards Benedict, whispering, "So, that's your baby daddy?"
I giggled softly, "Shut up, Quinn. Yes, that's him."
He put a hand on his hips, and faked a lisp, "Giiiiiiirl, he is fiiiiine. Mmm Mmm, I'd like to get some of that."
I clasped my hand onto my mouth, trying so hard not to burst out laughing. Quinn sashayed around the bed, his lips sticking out.
"Mmmmm, lawd Jesus. He is so hawwwt. You sure you don't wanna share?" He lisped.
At that moment, Benedict reached up and pulled Quinn close to his face, and mustering up the gayest voice he could, "Boooy, you wouldn't be able to handle the Cumberbooty."
We all burst out laughing uncontrollably. I thought that they were about to kiss or something. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised. Quinn acts really gay just to mess around with people. It's funny. He always did it whenever I needed cheering up.

After we all calmed down, we sat on my bed.
"So, you're Benedict. I'm Quinn, future male stripper." he grinned at Benedict. Benedict smiled widely back.
"I'd be your first costumer." Benedict replied.
I facepalmed and laughed at them, "You guys barely know each other, and yet you guys are like bromancers or something."
Quinn looked at me, "Is bromancers even a word?"
I shrugged, "I guess it is now."
Benedict pulled me close to him, wrapping his arms around my belly.
Quinn nudged Benedict and said, "I'm the godfather of that baby. Ize said so."
Benedict smiled at him, "You'll make a good godfather, I bet."

After he said that, my bedroom door flew open. James was standing at the doorway, leaning on his crutch. He had a can of beer in his hand. I looked away. I was embarrassed. I didn't want my best friend and my boyfriend seeing James like this. James glared at us, taking a sip of his beer. He coughed, cringing.
He cleared his throat and opened his mouth, "Why can't you all be miserable!? My love is dead. He will never come back. But here you all are, laughing and smiling. Why aren't you dying inside? Why won't you be sad!? How come I'm the only one suffering!? Michael... Fuck this." He threw his beer can at me, narrowly missing my head.
Benedict quickly stood up and strode towards James, "I don't know what you're going through, but you need to stop. You threw a can at Ize. No one does that to her. How dare you do that. She puts up with so much because of you. Get out. Just get out."
James looked up at Benedict, and then at me, "Little slut."
Quinn stood up, with his hands as fists. He walked over and stood next to Benedict's side. "I will not tolerate you talking to my best friend that way. I'm sorry that you lost someone so close to you, but you can't keep taking it out on Ize. She has two people to back her up. So stop and get out."

James scowled and left, kicking something over with his good leg. I held my head in my hands, ashamed. Quinn and Benedict sat down next to me.
I looked at both of them and said, "I seriously love you guys. And nothing is going to change that, I promise."
Benedict kissed my head and Quinn kissed my cheek, "We love you too, Ize."

Light My Fire (Teacher/Student) (Benedict Cumberbatch fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now