Wish You Were Here (Various POVs)

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4 years later...

   It's January 23. It's cold... really cold, despite being covered in 2 blankets and a heater set on its highest setting and living in California. I fell sick after Michelle was taken: runny nose, nausea, and headaches. We didn't know what it was.
   I'm 20 years old today. I haven't seen my daughter for 4 years. My little Michelle Julia... I haven't seen or heard from Quinn since that day. I didn't get to see my little girl grow up. I wonder if she looks like me... Or like her dad, Benedict.
   I reached for my phone, my arm submitted to the cold. I shivered and quickly retracted my arm, my phone cradled in my hand. I was expecting company today from Ms. Lynn, or what her name now is Mrs. Morris. She's expecting her first child, and she has become one of my best friends. Also, Mr. Notfree has become Benedict's best friend.
   My phone vibrated, notifying that I had a call. Benedict. I answered

  "Hello, Mr. Cumberbatch." I said.
  "Happy birthday and happy anniversary, love. I'm in Nebraska, about to cross over into Wyoming. I haven't found her yet, but we shouldn't lose hope." He replied.
   "Happy anniversary... Benedict, you've been searching for 3 years..."
    "I have high hopes for Wyoming, alright? I have to go, I'm about to cross the state border. I love you, wife."
    "I love you as well, husband." and we hung up.
   Benedict and I had gotten married as soon as I turned 18. Of course, he made a quick stop in California to tie the knot, then he continued on his way. He stops in every city, town, village of each state he visits, hoping to find Michelle and Quinn... He always has high hopes for each state. Benedict wouldn't let me come along in the search for my daughter. Despite my protests, he declined, saying that I had to take care of the house and our new cat, Violin.
   Violin showed up on our porch a week after Michelle's disappearance, so I took her in. Her coat patterns made her look like a little violin, so that's how she got stuck with that name.
    I heard her purring against my leg. She curled up under the covers, sleeping at the moment. I stroked her head softly, wondering how my life had turned out this way. Goddamn it, Quinn. Why did you do this? Why did you take my little Michelle Julia away from me?

Quinn's POV

   It's Ize's birthday. Happy birthday, Mrs. Cumberbatch. It was snowing in Wyoming, which made everything a perfect silence. We settled in a very small town that didn't even have a name. The population was 56, but I don't think it's current. We lived in a log cabin not far from the town's market, which was located on the main road. The nearest city, Torrington, was 120 miles away, which meant the hospital was far away. Thankfully, Michelle was not unhealthy when she was younger. She hardly cried, only when she was hungry or her diaper was dirty. She began to talk around the age of 1 and a half, and walked at the age of 2.
   I thought of Ize once in a while, wondering how she was doing. I sometimes wondered if she had another baby after I took hers. I knew Ize married Benedict when she turned 18. It caused quite the scandal in the media. Michelle's disappearance was heavily covered, and it was stated that the father was unknown. Of course, with the nearest city being 120 miles away, news didn't really come through here. When they were married, it was discovered that Benedict was the father of Michelle, but nothing could've been done. Benedict and Ize were already married.

   "Papa?" Michelle peeked around the corner of the doorway. She looked so much like Ize, but she had Benedict's eyes.
   "Yes, Michelle?" I outstretched my arms. She ran to them and hugged me, sitting in my lap.
    "Papa, where's mama?" Ouch. This was the first time she's asked about her mother. Of course, I was prepared.
   "Well, Michelle. Mama died a long time ago. Mama loved you very, very much. She's watching over you every day and every night."  I lied to her. I dearly loved Michelle, but how could I tell her that I took her from her mother and father? Surely they would've had another child by now.
    "Mama's dead...?" Michelle's little eyes widened, tears forming in her eyes. Oh dear.
    "Yes, I'm sorry, Michelle. But it's okay. Papa's still here with you. And he'll always be here for you." I squeezed her.
    "Promise me, papa?" she stuck out her little pinkie finger, her lips pouting.
   "I promise, Michelle Julia," I hooked my pinkie finger with hers, kissing her forehead, "Now come on, let's go outside and build a snowman!"
    Michelle jumped off my lap, giggling and ran to her room. I got up and stretched, reaching for my winter coat that was laying on my bed. Michelle loved to make snowmans. Small ones, big ones, round ones, even square ones. She was so imaginative and colorful. She really was an amazing child.

   "Papa! I have my coat!" Michelle skipped into my room, wearing her big purple coat. I picked her up and spun her around.
   "Alright, let's go outside." I smiled at her, poking her nose.
    She giggled, "I love you, papa."
    "I love you too, sweetheart."

   Benedict's POV

   It was snowing in this small Wyoming town. It had no name whatsoever. I sighed, slowly driving down the main road. There was a market to my right, but it was closed. Probably because of the snow. I was about to turn my head to the left when I spotted a familiar face... His hair was short now and his features were more defined then before. He was playing with a small child in the snow, laughing. My heart nearly stopped when his name registered in my head. Quinn? That bastard was here! And... was that my little Michelle Julia? Oh my god...
   I immediately stopped my car, turning the ignition off. I took a deep breath and slowly stepped out of the car. I finally found them. Did she have the same name or did that bastard take that away too? I swallowed my anger, in order to not scare Michelle.
   I closed the car door. Quinn looked up by now, squinting. Michelle held onto his hand, her other hand limped by her side. She looked like Ize...
   Quinn's face began to change. He looked afraid. Damn right he should be afraid. Daddy's coming to get his little girl.

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