Showers and Eggs

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(Y/N Scoresby P.O.V)

Lyra and I had a good rest in bed. "Feels great to be in a bed," Lyra said across to me.

"It sure does. You did a smart idea accepting his request to stick together,"

"Well...we're not exactly going to get answers alone," she said back.

"You're right.'s better than being alone," I said.

We suddenly heard a clang from down below. Then the scream of "Oww!" Will's voice.

"What'd you think he's doing there?" I asked over to Lyra.

"Dunno. Probably just trying to fix something,"

A pace of hammering echoed in our ears.

"Not again!" Aster complained diving under the pillow.

"He's done five times already," Pan complained.

"I'll go and check on him. In the meantime Lyra, you should try consulting the alethiometer," I suggested again. She looked reluctant. I sighed and came down to sit with her. She sat up. "I'm sorry that it didn't tell us what Asriel planned to do with Roger," I offered an arm. She laid her quivering head against my shoulder and I rubbed hers. "But if we're going to find answers to what we're looking for, you need to ask it. It's the only way we'll figure out what to do,"

She nodded. I smiled a bit. "I'll be back in a bit," I stood up and walked down the stairs to the second level. I walked across the room into a side door and I saw Will at the far end next to large tank. He had a hammer with him and he was banging against it. He heard me approaching.

"Would you quit that hammering?" I asked kindly. "Lyra and I are trying to think,"

"Sorry. I'm trying to fix this shower," he said.

"Shower?" I questioned.

He stared at me blankly. He stood up. "You don't know what a shower is?"

Awkwardly I shook my head.

"You don't wash?"

"Yes. At a sink or in a bath," I answered. "Is it another way of washing?"

"They're just like baths but standing up,"

I seemed to get the answer.

"Anyways I'm having trouble getting it to work. I can't quite adjust the pluming,"

"Let me try," I offered.

He looked at me curiously, questionably.

"I'm the daughter of an aeronaut. I know everything about tools and fixing things,"

Will pulled out a box of tools from a cupboard and I got to work. Using a pipe wrench, I altered some pipes until they were probably in place and with a screwdriver and nails I screwed them together.

"And there," I stepped out from under the tanks.

Will pulled the handle that was supposed to make the strange sprout thing above the shower square shoot water. Nothing happen. "Mmm" I rubbed my lip. "Probably just needs a little kick,"

"I don't think..." Will tried to speak but I kicked the tank. Water flushed out the top right onto his head. He screamed and shuffled back. I burst out chuckling. "There you go,"

He glared at me. "You did that on purpose,"

"It was just a joke," I answered. I paused my moment of fun just for a sec. "You have just jokes in your world right?"

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