Attack of the crazy children

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Hey before you begin, just a note to say I've quickly added the mulefa character Roger into this chapter and the other ones I published last week. I regrettably forgot about him since I haven't updated these recent chapters since last year but they are here now. Enjoy the chapter. 

Third Point of View: 

Will was lying in his bed, shaking, dreaming. (Y/N) did all he could to dap his head with water whilst (M/C) allowed his cat Leo to purr and stroke his head. Even Roger the strange quadruped mammal tried stroking him with his trunk. But his eyes remained shut tight. 

"His hands got worse," (M/C) checked his hand. "I've done everything I can,"

"You did your best," Lyra said. "(Y/N). I'll get some more water and (M/C), you try and find some more supplies,". The two rushed downstairs and Lyra filled a pitcher with water from a nearby fountain, (M/C) searched the streets for a medical store. He couldn't find any medicines but he managed to find extra bandages. He was just making his way back to the cafe when he saw Angelica and Paulo down the street and they were glaring over at him. He quickened his pace and returned to Lyra but shadows loomed towards them and they turned to see loads of children. 

Quickly they hurried back inside and closed the doors, locking it tight. Lyra breathed heavily as she peeked through the gap between them but Angelica's fierce face appeared into view. "I see you two!" She banged. (M/C) pulled Lyra back and they paraded up the stairs in a hurry. 

Will was just waking up with (Y/N) helping him sit when they burst into the room. "Guys! Angelica's downstairs and she's going to kill us!" Lyra freaked out. 

"What?" (Y/N)'s heart jumped banging and shouting. And then a loud blaring noise rattled their eardrums. Roger trumpeted through his trunk. 

"Grab your things!" (M/C) cried. Quickly they grabbed their rucksacks and everything they needed. He regrettably stuffed Leo in his rucksack. "Quick! Onto the roof! Will help me lift this box!". The girls rushed ahead of the boys, their daemons taking bird forms and flying through. Roger managed to catch up to them. They weren't going to leave him behind either. The boys managed to heave up a heavy box and the moment they were out, Lyra shut the door and she and (Y/N) pushed the box against the wooden door. "That'll hold them!". Right after he said that they heard banging on the door and it started quaking. "Not for long though!" 

"Will, can you cut us out of here?" (Y/N) asked.

Will held the knife up. And tried. But nothing happened. "Hurry!" Lyra cried. 

"It's not working!" he screamed. 

Suddenly they saw some children climb up onto the roof. "Run!" (M/C)! cried. Quickly he led them across the jungle of roofs with jumps and more climbing but the children kept chasing them everywhere. "We'll never be able to outrun them!"

"We have to split up!" Lyra said. "(Y/N)! You come with me! Will you go with (M/C)!" 

Will didn't like it. "Where are we gonna find each other?!" 

"The beach!" (M/C) suggested. "Be careful everyone!". The boys went right and leapt up onto a balcony and into a hotel. The girls climbed up a staircase and scaled along the roofs with Roger behind them. But Angelica and Paulo split up, leading two groups after the two separate parties. 


Will and (M/C) rushed through the hallways, the latter knocking down several boxes and trolleys whilst Will sped ahead. But Paulo was able to jump up and catch up. "Come back here you cowards!" 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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