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Bela walked her way around the house once more and saw no one. Not even that old man.

Did Ethan kill them all?

Hopefully he did because she can't take this anymore.

She can't take dying over and over again.


But just as Bela was about to descend the stairs from the second floor, a phone rang.

It was from upstairs.

Bela looked downstairs for a moment more before walking back up to answer whoever is calling this house.


It took her awhile but she found the phone just ringing on a table beside a couch in an empty room.

She picked it up.

"I thought you went to the old house. What changed?"

Zoe? What is Zoe talking about?

"Zoe? What are you talking about?" Bela said as the other line stayed quiet upon hearing her voice.

"...Bela? What are you doing there!? Don't you know daddy is there with you right now!?"

Daddy? Huh?

"Zoe, what the hell are you–"

"Come here you little..."

Bela spun around and saw the old man. But unlike the last time she saw him, it was like he became butchered, his skin peeling and his clothes bloody, full of holes. He looked like he was the one that got axed and shot to death. But he's still alive even after all the damage it looked like he dealt.

This is getting

–her thoughts were cut short when Jack grabbed her by the collar and punched her in the face, making her black out almost instantly.


Bela, for the 5th time today (she lost count) woke up.

But this time, it was like she was in another house.

The ceiling wasn't the same as the other one, either it's just her or its really another house, she doesn't know.

Her nose hurt from the last punch. That old man doesn't know how to hold back.

But then again he looked like he was burned, and then brought back to life and then cut up and shot like a target and then brought back to life again. And it's not that simple of a process.

She knows the blonde guy did that to him. Who else? She knows Zoe doesn't have it in her to kill her father and Mia's too far gone to do the deed.

She shakes her head. The migraine is getting worse and worse with each punch and head hit, but she ignores it for now and stands up.

Her back hurt, too.

Just when can I leave this place?

She started walking around the area. It was dark so she had to make sure to feel everything before proceeding to move.

It was so dark she felt like she was in a void of nothingness.

Luckily for her, she found stairs that lead to a lower floor.

The light was much brighter down stairs. It was still dark but compared to the upstairs, it was enough.

She needed a flashlight, or a lantern, to proceed.

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