Thrillville: Breakdowns (of the mind)

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I had a breakdown that went something like what the reader is going through, along with the game I last played. Please guys, if this ever happens to you don't be afraid to seek help, my mum helped keep me grounded when this happened. Don't suffer alone, there is always someone who cares about you. 

You were the only relative he had that had taken a liking to designing. And he encouraged you to keep at it, to never give up. And after you gave him your recent coaster idea, he knew that you were perfect in helping him make and maintain his parks.

It wasn't until a year had passed, and after defeating Globo-Joy the second time, that he started to notice something was, off.

He had noticed that you hadn't been sleeping well these past few days, mainly work on the theme parks, and while he encouraged you to work hard and do your best, even he knew that sleep was good for the soul, and helped rejuvenate his brain for ideas.

He tried to be sneaky, but he knew that he was about as sneaky as a robot trying to make no noise with a rusty joint. And when you realised what he was trying to do, you would just give him this small smile and wave off his concern.

"Besides" you would say "I'm almost done with this plan that I think you'll enjoy"

He may be the doctor of funology, but even he knew a fake smile when he saw one. And after this went on for days, nearly a week. He began to really get concerned for his favourite relative. You began to get pale, dark circles under your eyes, lack of appetite. And those were the good parts.

One time, you nearly bit his head off when he had asked you if you were okay. And you swore at him. You NEVER swore to anyone, unless you were really upset, and while he didn't encourage that kind of behavior, he would prefer a little colourful language over violence any day.

And then the sixth day came. He was just on the brink of making a breakthrough with one of his many experiments when he heard the faint sound of hysteric laughter coming from his main room. He recognised it as you, and he almost smiled at you coming for a surprise visit, until he heard crying, and not the good kind.

He immediately dropped everything he was doing, experiment be darned his relative was having a panic attack. Wait. They were having a panic, the wheezing and heavy breathing was proof of that.

He went into a full sprint, panic finally catching up to him at the possibility of someone actually hurting his family. Someone was going to get what for when he was done with them.

He wasted no time bursting into his room, expecting to see his relative curled up and bawling their eyes out. But instead, he finds you kneeling, laughing, and with tears in your eyes. For a split second, he thought he had misheard everything, but when he took a proper look at your eyes, he noticed that they didn't hold the spark he always saw you hold when you had an idea or the determination for something. No, instead these eyes were mad, dead, dull, and lifeless.

He didn't need to be a doctor of health to know what was happening to you. You were having a mental breakdown. Especially with how you were curled up into a tight ball and trapping yourself into a corner

And he should know, he's had them before. Back before he became who he was today.

"Oh, kid" he muttered as he walked as calmly as he could, ignoring the way your laughing and crying tore at his chest, or the way you tried to say his name when you noticed his goofy and bright coloured socks. He just quietly held your hands in his own, squeezing them slightly when he felt yours twitch.

"You're not alone," he says your name softly, for once, not in the goofy façade he had grown accustomed to over the years "it may be hard at first, but it will get better" he placed a gentle kiss on your fingers "for now though, let it all out, don't hold it back"

It wasn't until he held you into his chest, that the laughter faded into hysteric crying. And your whole body shook from the adrenaline.

He just sat there in the dark, your form pressed against his chest as he tried to help ground you from losing yourself into the madness of your brain.

Such are the consequences and curse of a brilliant and drill-powered mind.

Because much like a roller coaster that was about to break down. Everything seems normal until it isn't. And you better hope and pray there is a net or umbrella to slow you down.

But in this case, he was the mechanic, he always fixed things, made them better, and he was more than willing to be the one who put you back together again, and bring that sunny smile back onto your face.

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