BBC Sherlock x John

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I was inspired by someone's image on Deviantart, here is the link

Sherlock's P.O.V

I remember the 'normal' people's saying, 'sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me', I'm a sociopath why should words hurt me? I've gone this long they should not hurt me now, that is until I met John for the first time.
And as time went on he began to bring out the emotions out that I had buried when I was a kid, why is he doing this? Does he want to see me suffer? Does he know he is doing this to me? Is he doing it on purpose? Even I do not know the answers and I hate it when I don't know something.
But other than that, as much as I hate to admit it outloud he is the greatest friend I could ever have, he doesn't know how I feel about him, the way he quietly growls when people give me that cold glare as well as words I hear too much everyday and every year since I was practicaly born, he doesn't know that I look at him with a slight hint of hapiness when he is trying to defend me, he doesn't know how happy I am when he compliments my work after one of my gret deductions, he doesn't know how I feel about him until one day when I was finally able to sleep.

I was in a black abyss, no gravity and no scenery for me to tell where I am, then whispered voices began to chant around me with their hands trying to grab my clothing and drag me with them.
Smart arse
Know it all
Show off
Freak of nature

Stop, please I want it to go away, I move into a fetal position and wrap my hands onto my head, I want to get out of here, I want my John, I want badly I want him to make these nightmares go away, please John if you can hear me then please help me I want this to go away my head feels like its going to explode, this feels worse than when I am gathering information.
"Sherlock" came a voice, I couldn't tell who it was because at the moment I wasn't paying too much attention "Sherlock wake up, its only a nightmare"
Who was this voice? Are they going to hurt me too? Please no I want my John I want him here with me I want him to make the nightmares go away, please John help me I don't want to be alone anymore.
"Sherlock wake up" there is a hand on my shoulder and I greeted the darkness as the voices become nothing more than muffled noises.

I gasp outloud and try to swing at the feeling on my arm, it could be the enamy for all I know, I do not want anyone to see my weakened state.
"Sherlock its me John" cried the voice.
I immediatly stop as the last of my sleep goes away and immediatly I cower back in fear, I just nearly hurt John, my John, I could have hurt him and then he would leave me alone in the flat and I would never see him again.
"Shh" cooed John as he tried to touch me but I still pressed away from him "Sherlock I am not going anywhere" how could he know what I was thinkinig? "it was just a nightmare everything will be alright"
"Will it?" I find myself saying before I could stop myself "you don't know what I am thinking at the moment John"
"I know you were having a nightmare" he stated "I heard you crying and saying 'shut up' which must mean that someone was saying something bad to you and then you cried for me"
I blushed and looked away, wait blushed? I never blush, curse you John for making me feel again, but still I don't regret this feeling.
"Do you want to talk about it? Or do you want me to leave?"
Immediatly I fling over to grab onto his sleeve "no don't leave me here, don't leave me alone please stay" I beg.
I see John looking at me in shock for a moment "okay then, scoot over and I will lay beside you"
I immediatly obeyed and he followed suit, he lay on his side and I carefuly cuddle up beside him, I admit that I was shocked when I felt an arm wrap around my middle, this gave me the courage to tell him about my dream.
"I was in darkness" I started "I could feel disgusting hands on me trying to take me with them, they were calling me names like the ones I hear everyday but some were worse" I took a shuddering breath "they called me monster, machine and a freak of nature, they wouldn't stop"
I am ashamed to say that a few tears had escaped my eye and I felt John go stiff, does he think I am replusive now? No wait a moment, he's rubbing my arm, I may not be an expert at the softer emotions but could it be that he hated the people that called me the names in the dreams as well?
I felt a finger under my chin and I was greeted with the firm but loving look on my secret lover's face "you are not a monster" he said "you are not heartless and you are most certainly not a freak of nature, you are smart attractive and world's only consulting detective and I would never leave you, not for all the money in the world"
Did he reallt think I was attractive? No he was wrong I am skinny and look like the wind will blow me over, I am hideous.
I feel something soft on my mouth, John's lips? He was kissing me? Why?
"I am sorry Sherlock I didn't mean to..."
I cut him off by pressing my lips to his, oh how long I have waited to have his mouth on mine, to have my body pressed against his, I wanted more but I will give and recieve what he wanted and what he would give me.
Soon our clothes fell off one by one, he was on top of me, I would submit to him whenever he wished it, he was my drug and I would not share him with anyone. I felt him touch me in areas I would not let anyone else touch, I felt him enter me and I arched back in ecstasy as I scraped my nails on his back but he didn't seem to care, we were one now and I wanted this night to last, even if it was for just one night and I do not regret letting him take my virginity. I will tell him that in the morning.
Soon as we were coming down from the pleasure with me wrapping around him like an octopus I said to him "thank you for loving me" I may not be good at admitting emotion but this was the best I could do "I do not regret this"
"Thank you for loving me in return" he replied "I do not regret this either
We lay under the covers knowing that this was a good change and a new day for the both of us, we slept with a smile on our faces as we curled together.  

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