Request: Seto Kaiba x Idol Addams (past)

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Request by Lovehopeshipping

The requester made the picture and has given me permission to use it

Plot- trip down memory lane on how the reader became friends with Seto Kaiba

Sorry if it looks rushed. Got a bit anxious thanks to this stupid bug I caught somehow. Enjoy flowers! I'm taking a break for now. XD

Mother always told you that people who didn't know your family would always run away while screaming. And while it would bring a smile on your face, you began to feel frustrated for not having any friends besides your brother.

Questions always running through your head, distracting you from playing pass the bomb or musical spikes with your family. Why did they run from you? Why didn't they like the toys you liked?

These questions continued to circle around you like vultures on a good day. you were currently sitting in class, clinging onto the voodoo doll you had made yourself, by hand alone. When the teacher called all the kids to attention.

"Alright children, we have two more children joining our class today" the teacher called out in that disgustingly, sweet voice "please be nice, this is their first time going to a school"

She makes a gesture for the two, now confirmed boys, to enter the room, the short one, that had black, bushy hair, was hiding behind the taller one, who had short, chocolate brown hair with the palest cold blue eyes you had ever seen.

He looked like a wild animal ready to strike.

"Everyone, please welcome Seto and Mokuba"

Odd that they didn't have a last name, but you were a kid, what would you know about the way of the world? Or their past?

"Please sit where ever you want, we'll be doing some painting later"

They sat in front of you. You stayed quiet the whole time, clutching onto the doll even tighter without realising it.

When it came to break time. Everyone practically rushed out of the doors for the playground and have fun. You just quietly pulled out a book from your backpack, clutching it in the once free hand while you still held the doll in the other.

The book was simple and brand new, and when someone saw you reading and asked what you were reading. You would reply that it was about the deadliest plants on earth. You couldn't understand why they gave you an odd look before running off like someone was chasing them.

However, you didn't get very far into the book as you heard somebody laughing, with the occasional sniffles in between.

You looked up to see that new black-haired kid jumping up to get what looked like a toy from the bully's hand, tears running his face as he tried with no success and getting shoved back for his troubles.

It was clear they weren't sharing, and your mother always told you to share your toys with your brother, unless of course, it was part of a game. None the less, they were being rude, and they were interrupting your reading time.

Frowning in an un-child like behavior, you closed your book and put it back in your backpack. Then you got up and stormed your way towards the bullies, your aura practically screaming that someone was going to suffer for ruining your alone time.

You were naturally a silent creature from all the times you played hide and go shriek with your family, and since they were too busy bullying the new kid, you had no trouble getting behind them. And giving the bully with the toy, a good hard poke in the hip.

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