Yandere Sheogorath x reader 2/2

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WARNING! this is going to get really gruesome, blood and some descriptive body gore (I think that's what its called), so if you don't like that stuff or it makes you nauseous, please go back.


"Ah, your back I see, punctual for once, oh don't give me that look, mortals are always late. 

As I have stated before, when Sheogorath recovers from the Grey March, he is left weak, alone and forgetful. Although I guess it depends on what it is exactly he forgets, but he keeps that to himself.

However, one thing I haven't mentioned is that he experiences emotions just like mortals, but they never last in the way you would normally hope.

Now, let's continue the story, shall we?"

Sheogorath, for the most part, spent most of the time in his throne room. Trying to block out all of the memories of him destroying his beautiful land. It had been almost two days now and he was still nowhere near as strong as he had been.

He wasn't lying when he said that it was a pain to get back, literally and figuratively.

Chaos was something he reveled in, but this was too much, his head still rang from time to time and his eyeballs felt like they were going to pop out and melt at any moment.

And then there was you, his new dancer/entertainer. Ugh, he wasn't sure why he hired you to be honest, sure you stayed away from the palace room when he didn't need your services, but that didn't mean you always followed his order.

He would sometimes see you walking around the edge of the room, in his line of sight but not speaking. He would see you walk back and forth between Mania and Dementia throne rooms before going back to your room.

He didn't know whether he should turn you into a cloud or a bad idea.

Especially since you weren't even mad, to begin with, you only had his 'blessing' to enter in the first place because you were the only survivor from the Grey March.

Strange how mortals worked, on the job they were completely professional, while off the clock it was like they were a completely different person. Pfft, and they call him mad.

Still, the dancing you did nearly every day, your fluid movements would make a water mammal dance be put to shame, not to mention make any mortal lust after you. And don't get him started on the outfits you wore, they almost made him forget about his duties for the world around him.

And that scared him. He wasn't a creature that was heartless, he did love his subjects in his own way. The thing that scared him most though, was the fluttering sensation that seemed to swell where his heart resided every time he looked at you.

He even became curious. What would your flesh feel like under a scalpel? What would it feel to touch your skin after having fireballs thrown at you? What would your heart feel like as he ripped it out and held it in his hand, still pulsing?

You know, basic stuff.

And then it all came downhill when he began to suffer some kind of attack on his body, he felt like he was being split apart in all directions, and not in a good way. He had simply been sitting on his throne, no guards insight as he watched you dance for him. Next thing he knows he feels the world moving around him and staring up at your face with a worried expression written clear as day.

"My lord?" you whisper to him as if any louder and he would shatter in pieces.

Sheogorath didn't say anything, he just continued to stare at you with a blank expression, questions flooding his mind. What happened that had caused him to fall like that? Why did you come over and risk his wrath by touching him?

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