Yander Snatcher x child reader

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Alright, guys, this was inspired by Juloxia-chan and her Yandere Catcher x child reader one shot, they gave me permission to make a second part of it on my end, also, Snatcher does not see you romantically, I do not condone that stuff. He is simply obsessed with keeping you by his side forever. Like a guardian I guess. Alos the music above helped inspire me.

Sorry if it looks rushed, otherwise enjoy.

You had just recovered from the 'Porta Potty' incident, and Snatcher had just bugged you off for the next contract, which was to deliver mail, an easy task, plus he didn't want you getting injured again when the minions had just healed you up.

You couldn't help but agree with this statement, as much as it pained you to admit it, the minions had been kind enough to heal you, it seemed terrible and a waste of time to get hurt again on another tough contract.

So, here you are, standing near a clock machine, waiting for the smokey black creature to tell you what to expect, or do.

And lo and behold 2 minutes later, tadpole (that was a mental nickname for him) appears from the ground in front of you, with that wicked smile on his face.

"Gooood morning kiddo" he said in a 'cheerful' manor "now I'm not completely heartless, I take their letters and send it back to them, so they think they have someone who cares"

You frowned, that just seemed cruel, giving them high hopes just to, possibly, let it all be thrown back in their faces. Still, if this made them happy, then who were you to judge.

"And since you are taking the job, I have a gift for you just for the occasion, please be sure to bring it back, its a rental"

A present appeared before you, you cautiously opened the box and saw a badge inside, must be something to help you with this 'job'.

You mumbled a 'thank you' to him before pinning it to your hat/clothing.

"Oh" he added at the last second "don't forget to 'clock' in when you are finished, get it?" he snickered.

You had no idea what he meant, so you just chuckled slightly in the hopes he wouldn't kill you right on the spot. You weren't going to lie, he still scared you, and if Snatcher noticed your slightly shaking form, he didn't say anything.

He simply watched you leave on the rental scooter, his eyes boring into your back with a slight frown on his face. He really needed to find a way to gain your confidence if he wanted this to work. When he heard your giggle and childlike excitement though, he knew it would be all worth it in the end.

You couldn't help but squeal in excitement over the sound and sensation of the wind attacking your face, this was your first time using a scooter without someone watching you in case you fell.

Not to mention you enjoyed shooting parcels at the minions and giving them a smile and cheerful wave before leaving them and making sure they didn't literally eat your dust. That would be wrong after all, and it was fun to see their (if you can call it) bewildered look when you thanked them for helping you after the incident.

Oh yes, it was certainly fun/amazing doing this contract. You could only hope Snatcher would give your soul back and let you leave though, as much as you enjoyed this, you missed your guardians and the ship you had come from when you had visited this place. But, as you continue this, you couldn't help but feel like something was wrong, and there was a little part of you that was screaming to leave right now.

But why though? What was going on that was making you feel this way?

You shook your head, ignoring the sensation by pushing it far from your mind before continuing on with your task, while silently admiring the spooky but lovely looking forest, not noticing a pair of eyes watching your every move.

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