(fallout 4) Nick Valentine x child reader (Nicks POV)

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Same one shot with the same title just a different POV, Merry Christmas everyone.

He never expected to be greeted with open arms when he came into Diamond City with the mayor's daughter. But he had hoped a little too much that they wouldn't attack him just because of his appearance.

Ah well, he was at least grateful that he had a place in this city where he could have a few moments of peace, away from hateful eyes for something he had no control over. Not that he blamed them of course, after all, synths didn't exactly have the best reputation, considering where they came from.

No, he couldn't hate them nor be upset that they took their frustrations out on him. Humans coped in different ways, he was just an easy target for their misfortunes. Plus it didn't stop them from asking for his help every now and then, but those were few and far between. Every day was more or less him cleaning up the streets that could be hazardous for children to step on. Or if some drunken meathead decided to have too much and puked on the side with a shattered glass bottle next to it.

He considered every day a blessing that he was still 'alive'.

He was used to the stares by now after a few weeks of staying in Diamond City, the attacks had died down a little but the stares never seemed to disappear even when he 'retired' for the night.

However, there was one kid who seemed to watch him on a nearly daily basis. He was used to having kids give him the odd stare, after all, a man walking around and made of metal would get anyone's attention. He also wasn't surprised when parents made sure to keep their kids away from him.

It made him a little sad, but he was also happy that the parents actually had the decency to care about their kids. His old memories showed things that didn't just show his fiancé. And he hoped he never had to see the past repeat itself in those areas. Hopefully.

Anyway. The kid. He would always see them looking at his form from the corner of his eye, and while he had expected them to come up to him, it didn't take long for him to find out why the kid never did. The kid was mute, or at least selective mute, born with only half a tongue despite not being infected with large doses of radiation. The other kids didn't seem to be fond of them either.

He almost chuckled at the irony, both of you were 'born different, and no one liked you because of it. Seemed fitting that they be 'freaks' together. Ah well. He couldn't blame the kid much if they had nothing to write on. Let them look at him all they want, at least it would improve their observation skills if they ever decide to leave Diamond City.

He had seen you scrounge a few things from corners, mostly broken tools or shiny-looking objects. Heh, that kid would go far if they knew how to make things work.

A few days passed since he last encountered you staring at him, he was slightly surprised when you just stopped looking at him altogether, hell he never even saw you. He would admit that it gave him some concern, but since no one complained about you disappearing, he passed it off as you have your fill of curiosity for the walking hunk of metal.

But every now and then, he would notice you picking things up. Helping out perhaps? Possibly, but if so, then why? You were still a kid who had the chance to BE a kid, you shouldn't have to force adulthood on yourself so quickly.

It got even weirder when he noticed you standing in the middle of the alley that housed his 'building'.

"You lost or something kid?" he called out, and despite the slightly harsh tone, he was genuinely confused as to why you were there.

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