Seto Kaiba x Tsundere Reader

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Request by ScarlieBloodClaw

Pairing: Seto Kaiba x Tsundere Reader

Hope you enjoy this friend, sorry if I didn't get it right, as I mentioned before this is my first time making a Tsundere character.

I never thought I would be this desperate for money, but here I am, working for one of the richest males in Domino City, Seto Kaiba.

Yeah, you heard me right, Seto-freaking-Kaiba, CEO of Kaiba Corp Industries itself. And I do whatever he tells me to do, within reason of course. He's a Baka when he wants to be.

I'm mostly his housemaid, mainly to assist and help Mokuba with his homework while Kaiba was stuck in the office late. Altough I can't understand why, he has personal body guards that could easily look after the kid, and yet he chose someone who is about the same age as he is (16+).

And lets not forget that he would never trust anyone with Mokuba alone.

Maybe he has the bodyguards watching ME in case I mess something up.

But why am I working here you ask? Well, that's simple.

I lived on my own and needed money to pay for the rent, and since I also go to school and working was illegal, I, unfortunately, made a compromise to Seto Kaiba.

I worked for him on the weekend while also keeping an eye on Mokuba, if I did this, and call him 'Master Kaiba' when he was and wasn't at home, he would turn a blind eye on me having the job and would pay me the money I needed for rent and other stuff.

Despite my cold personality when I agreed, I couldn't deny that I was happy to have gotten the job from a 'reasonable' person, not that I would ever say that to his face. He's a right baka when he wants to be.

It was another late night, Mr. Kaiba was at the office late and had sent Mokuba home so that he could get some sleep. Unfortunately, Mokuba had a hard time sleeping without his brother nearby, so I stayed with him until he fell asleep. Even if I made it sound like I was doing it against my will.

I just hope Mr. Kaiba didn't get the wrong idea if he ever saw me like this...not that I care or anything.

Once I was sure Mokuba was sound asleep, I quietly made my way towards the door, opened it as quietly as I could and squeezed my self through the gap, trying to make sure there wasn't a lot of light creeping into the room.

Once I was successful in getting through and closing the door behind me, I made my way down back to my own quarters in the servant's area.

But as I drew closer to my area, I couldn't help but feel that something bad was going to happen, now normally people would just shake this thought away thinking it was all in their head, but when you are working for a rich person, sometimes you have to trust your gut even if its a false alarm, better to be safe than sorry, right?

I was brought out of my thoughts when the lights began to flicker before going off completely, I didn't panic as there had been times where we got a storm so fierce it blew the power out. But there had been no mention of storms hitting Domino City and Mr. Kaiba was not stupid to have cheap and unreliable wires or whatever you want to call them for his home.

No, someone was planning on breaking in.

They were going to kidnap Mokuba. Again.

There was no time to alert security, I had to get there before-

There was a faint crashing noise down the hall

Crab cakes, I sprinted down the hall as fast as my feet could go, adrenaline already pumping energy ready for a fight.

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