ESO Verandis x reader x past Vanus

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The relationship with Verandis Ravenwatch is completely up to you. Also I'm considering making a new book for ESO (and original series) characters both reader and pairings, let me know what you think. ENJOY!

You thought life would be good. Being courted by the great mage Vanus Galarian many years after he had left the Psijic order to create the Mages Guild. And while everyone did treat you with respect, you were certian they were whispering behind your back.

They claimed you only courted him for the fame, that you weren't independent and just used him for your own selfish needs. You tried your best to ignore them, but it got to the point where you needed to leave and find a way to prove your worth.

Looking at the Mer in bed with you, sleeping from over working last night, you smile. You thought everything would be fine.

Oh how wrong you were, and all because of your naivety, stubbornness and determination to be more independent.

"Are you sure you don't want me to join you? Or even open a portal? It wouldn't take but a second for some as great as me" the mage boasted.

You knew you weren't as powerful as Vanus, but you could definitely hold your own when you travelled alone. Right now someone had sent you a letter asking for your help regarding some troublesome vampires, you agreed to meet them at an inn in Rivenspire.

"I know you can Vanus" you stated calmly as you made food for you both "but I need to do this by myself, I need to be try and grow stronger myself and not rely on your reputation"

Vanus frowned "I am well aware of that, but I want to make things easier for you"

"And you do by allowing me to stay here, but I can't keep relying on you forever, I need to do this not just for myself, but to prove that I'm not messing around and using you"

Vanus sighed heavily "a great mage as I am, I cannot stop the rumours, but, fine, I shall respect your wishes so long as you write every so often"

You beamed and gave him a big smile "you have a deal, sunflower"

Now he looked insulted "please don't call me that, I'm not a sunflower"

"Why not? You really brighten up my day, and your skin is a lovely sunflower gold" you teased, this time showing teeth.

"I don't know if that's a complement or an insult" his mouth twitched when you began to giggle "but, I am willing to trust your judgement, now hurry up with that food, I'm hungry"

You laugh and continued to make the food, you needed to have a full belly before you left.

After the lunch (and maybe a lot of kissing), you gathered everything you needed before setting off for Wayrest.

You decided against using portal, as much as you wanted to use magic, you wanted to train yourself for situations where you wouldn't be able to use magic, aside from learning more independence.

Vanus helped you find a decent ship to take you there, but you paid it with your own money.

Once you made it to Wayrest, you made the trip for Rivenspire.

And that was when everything took a turn for the worst. The day you died.

You met with your contact at the inn, he had informed you of some vampires rumoured to be using something the Mages Guild might be interested in. And that was all you needed to immediately take the job.

You had both left the inn and headed towards a cave that wasn't too far from a town, he had warned you to prepare for the unexpected, he managed to see at least 5 vampires, but he wasn't sure if there were more.

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