ESO Fennorian x reader

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Fennorian is a new character to Greymoor DLC, don't worry though there are no spoilers in this, it's more of when you meet him after he was turned.

Dispite being a willing donor to House Ravenwatch, you still felt uneasy when Count Verandis Ravenwatch brought back new fledglings that had just recently been turned. You had nothing against them of course since they didn't ask to be turned. But fledglings were basically children in vampire terms and you didn't want one of them to go crazy when you were on your own. Especially when you had a bad experience with one.

Verandis seemed to understand and allowed you to offer blood to the more capable/ strong-willed vampires, or at least with a vampire that you were on good terms with when they weren't on the job.

And then that went downhill when you met Fennorian, a high elf that seemed socially uncomfortable and still had that wild/blank look in his eye dispite wanting to be as sane as possible. Verandis had managed to get him drinking a limited amount of blood from a bottle, but now came the time to test if he could control himself being around living people and not go into a bloodlust.

And you were the only candidate for this task, as for some reason, all of the servants were sick, (you question how you haven't) and Verandis did not want to strain their bodies any further, and you understood, but that didn't stop your nerves from going haywire when he asked you to donate.

"You know I will be in the room with you" he stated calmly "you trust me, now please trust me with this"

You rubbed your hands nervously "I know Verandis, and I don't doubt you, but your the only one who knows about my past experience with them"

"And yet you are able to allow my family near you dispite it" he raised an eyebrow at you "I am not trying to force you here, but if you survived a fledgling attack and only came out shaken, then you can handle anything that's thrown at you"

You let out a tired sigh, you knew Verandis was trying to help, you owed your life to him for saving you, but something about that attack made you second guess yourself every time he asked you to donate some 'life blood' to a fledgeling. Still, no one else was available, and sitting around hiding in your room was not a good idea, you had to be strong, you had to show your brain that you weren't scared and not a hypocrite.

Easier said than done though.

"You promise to stay in my line of sight? Or even besides me?" you clenched your hands together.

"I promise" he seemed relieved.

"Then I'll give it a try, can't make any promises that I'll run out screaming like a banshee" you gave him a small smile, and he chuckled.

"I'll try to make sure that doesn't happen, now, why don't you get something to eat while I get everything ready?"

You knew what that meant, 'go be alone for a while until you get your emotions under control'. Kind of. Still, you nod and leave for the kitchen, you had a feeling you were going to need all the time needed to keep your nerves under control.

You kept reminding yourself though, this wasn't the same man that attacked you all those years ago, this was a new person that was just recently turned, he wants to be good, and you were going to help him be that.

You kept this mantra going until it was time for the test.

Since there weren't any suitable rooms for 'incidents', Verandis had to resort to using the cellar, there was plenty of space for movement and not feel crowded, and should anything go wrong, Verandis would have the space to keep things under control.

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