Yandere Horror Sans x reader

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Ah, Halloween, the one time where the barrier between the living and the dead is at its thinnest.


Or in this case, the day where the barrier between the underground and the surface is at its thinnest. It has been like this for years, it wasn't always like this, the monsters used to be somewhat polite, then they started looking more crazy with each year until they were nothing more than the blood thirsty creatures that craved human flesh.

As for me, well, that's a little different. I don't have a whole bunch of monsters running after me, I have only one who kills any other monster/human that comes after me.

I was only 13 at the time when it first happened, before the monsters went comepletely crazy on us, I was walking home alone after a game of baseball with some friends when I heard a commotion at the park I was walking past, some bullies decided to think it was a good idea to hurt one someone, and being the kind of person I was, I held my bat up high and yelled while running towards them "OI! leave that person alone, don't make me use my weapon"

They stopped and looked at me, then laughed, taunting me saying I wouldn't hurt 'hot people' like them, and that they were putting the creature out of his misery. I didn't listen to the rest as I had swung my bat right into their groin areas, that was going to sting. Someone tried to grab me but missed, I took this oppertunity to hit their arm. I wasn't heartless enough to kill them, just hurt them enough to make sure the message got across.

It seemed to work as they all ran away with their tails tucked between their legs. After making sure they were gone I quickly looked at the person, or rather monster laying on the ground, it was a skeleton wearing some kind of home made battle armour and a red scarf wrapped around his neck, he was unconcious, not surprising really when his legs and arms appeared to be cracked. Point was he needed help, dispite my fear of them they had given me no reason not to trust them...yet.

With extreme difficulty I managed to hold him up and walk him to my house, thank goodness it was just around the courner.

Some how I managed to get the door open without dropping him and get onto the sofa without any more damage. I placed him down as carefuly as I could before going to find some splinters and banages, better safe than sorry.

I found some in the bathroom and was just going down the stairs when I heard a faint buzzing sound, that wasn't my phone. I moved closer to the skeleton and saw a faint blue light coming from his chest pocket, placing the stuff down on the coffee table I quickly reached into the pocket and looked to see who it was, Sans? Perhaps they were a relative?

Shaking the thoughts aside I answered the phone, I hope they don't get the wrong idea.

"PAPYRUS WHERE ARE YOU?!" a frantic voice called out.

I swear my ear nearly bled "your friend cannot..."

"Who is this and what have you done with Papyrus" the voice growled.

I swallowed the uneasy as best I could, so that was what the monsters name was "Papyrus can't answer because he was injured"

"Where. Is. He. Now" the deep voice seemed to get deeper as he growled.

I gave him my address and the other monster hung up. I had just put the skeletons phone down when a frantic knock came at the door, nearly made me jump out of my skin, I quickly answered it only to be thrown back and held up by some kind of blue light, what the heck? At least my door wasn't throne off its hinges.

"Where. Is. My. Brother?" the voice sounded demonic.

I couldn't speak since I was literally shaking and couldn't move, so I had to gaze to my right so he could see. I couldn't see his image well, but from what I could tell he was wearing some kind of jacket, trousers and...slippers? Shoes?

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