My Little Pony: Princess Luna x reader

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I may have been born a unicorn but that didn't mean I hated getting my hooves dirty like all the earth ponies in Ponyville, in fact I rather enjoyed it more than using my magic, I got teased a lot mainly because I acted similar to Fluttershy, her being a Pegasus but choosing to live on the ground rather up in the clouds, I think. And lets not forget them all thinking I would poison their foods when they weren't looking. Twilight Sparkle and her friends were the only ones who greeted me with open hooves, one time Twilight had told me the tale of how she defeated Nightmare Moon and rescued Luna, I could understand Luna in a way, I loved the night more than day and no one seemed to understand that the night sky was just as magical as the sun.

It was nearing Nightmare Night and every pony was busy running around trying to get everything ready, I really hope Princess Luna makes an appearance, I really wanted to show her the new flower I discovered a few weeks ago, of course I helped any pony that needed it and used my magic if something needed lifting, but when I had the free time I always made sure to go to my secret garden and make sure my flowers were tended to and healthy, these flowers had to be perfect not just because I wanted to show them to Luna (especially with it being her first time since the Nightmare Moon incident), but because of their properties as well. I really hope she likes them, they fit her perfectly, gosh I sound like a love sick pony.

This was it, tonight was the night for celebration of Nightmare Night, I was in my costume (costume of choice) and everything looked perfect. Sadly I lost track of thought when I saw Pinkie Pie run away with a few fillies behind her, what happened?

I looked up when the sky grew dark, the moon was blocked and a strong wind came out of nowhere, I had to squint to see a shadow of a, cart? Something came out of it and landed on the ground, it was a hooded pony, wait no, it was Princess Luna?

Everyone fell to the ground in fright, I admit she did look a little intimidating, especially when she used her loud voice, but that might have been because she had been locked away for so long, I know I would have. Why hadn't Princess Celestia teach her this day and age? No disrespect of course.

"What? No children, you have no reason to fear us, we wish only for you to scream in delight, not scream in terror"

She slammed her hoof as emphasis on the 'terror', that one made me jump and I did feel slightly terrified by it, but I wasn't going to back down.

"Madam Mayor, thy Princess of the night has arrived" she held out her hoof as if expecting the mayor to kiss it, but she only coward down in terror.

I forced my terrified hooves to stand up and walk, if a bit shakily toward Princess Luna, I opened my mouth to speak when she looked at me, I froze on the spot, her beauty was as lovely as the night sky, her night blue mane and tail twinkled as if they held the very stars she raised, her eyes held authority but I could tell there was something hiding in them.

Oh my Calestia I think I'm in love, I tried to speak but nothing came out, I just stuttered and all that came out was "uh-uh"

"What's the matter with you?" she raised an eyebrow at me "is thou mute?"

I shook my head and tried to regain what was left of my dignity and tried to calm my nerves "m-my n-name is (Pony name), P-princess" great now I'm stuttering, talk about embarrassing.

I knelt down politely as if it she wasn't a monster (which she wasn't) and kissed the metal plate on her hoof "let me be the first to welcome you to Ponyville, I hope you find your stay enjoyable" I managed to make a small smile, it might have looked nervous though.

Princess Luna looked at me in surprise "we thank thee for thy welcome" she nodded to me with her head held high as she lowered her hoof "but clearly we are not welcome here" she eyed the crowd with no emotion showing on her face "we will not stay where we are not wanted"

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