Undertale (Abovetale?)

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It was like any other night, walking the streets and avoiding lamps so if anyone was awake they wouldn't see her deformed look, it was better this way, to stay in the dark, people feared her even if she was once like them, although the ones that were out were dead, everywhere she looked she could see dead bodies. After she made sure the children in the area were sound asleep and not suffering nightmares she was brought to a halt when one of her shadow minions and what could only be described as a wolf came up to her in alarm.
"What is it my child?" she may have sounded inhuman but if one listened carefully they would here the affection she had for her minion.
The shadow formed wolf growled and howled, no one but but her could hear it.
"A monster is in danger you say?" While it sounded happy, she was feeling the opposite "show me my child and hurry"

How typical that it was in an alleyway? No, how cliche was it to be in an alleyway?
"How stupid can you be?" I heard a snearing voice "how can you be so gullible at believing we would be friends with a freak like you?"
Growl, hiss
"I believe everyone deserves a chance" came a timid voice that sounded almost like a child.
"Can you believe this freak? Think we would be friends with something like that"
"Shadow" I whispered looking down at my friend "playtime"
That was all that was needed for the wolf to leap forward into the alleyway and proceed to scare the living heck out of the group, as much as I would like to kill him I had made a promise to my dear sister to never harm a human, unless they did something unthinkable but I would never tell her that, she was too pure for someone as tainted as me. I was brought out of my musing as the humans ran out with tails in between their legs, I couldn't help but smile at their pain, I've never liked grown ups, teenagers were half and half since some were good and some were bad, but children, I would give up my existence if they could have ever lasting peace, but that was impossible.
A groan from the alleyway stopped my mind from going darker, I rushed into the alleyway expecting to see a small child monster (I can see in the dark okay?) I stopped though when I saw that it was a full grown skeleton, okay grown up monsters were some what okay but I still weren't too fond of them.
He saw me, or at least tried to, I think they damaged his eye sockets to see me properly, he tried moving away which I could not blame him and so I decided to sing, hopefully the magic embedded into the words would be enough to make him sleep.
"Come little children, I take thee away in to a land of enchantment, come little children the times come to play, here in my garden of shadows..." this is the only time I don't sound inhuman in this form considering its how I help the children sleep away the nightmares.
Taking the weak and sleeping skeleton in my arms I disappeared in a puff of black smoke, leaving no traces that I was ever there.

I placed the monster on my bed and took care of his cracked bones before looking at his phone that had been lying next to him when he had been attacked, I never poked into other peoples/monsters business unless absolutely necessary, this was one of those times considering this skeleton had the mind of a kid, his soul told me everything and I am certain he had an older brother.
I unlocked the phone and looked at the images knowing that kid would take pictures of his friends and family, sure enough I found one with him and another skeleton but smaller wearing a blue hoodie, black shorts (I think) and pink slippers, his face though, while looked like he was lazy told me a different story.
Shaking the thoughts away I shifted back into my human form before calling the last known number, it rung for 3 seconds before some answered.
"Papyrus you said you would be back 3 hours ago where are you?"
So he had disappeared for three hours "come to this address and you will see why he hasn't answered" was all I said before giving the address and hanging up.
"Sans?" came a voice.
I walked into my bedroom to see the skeleton looking around wearily.
"Your brother is on his way" I said softly, my hair covering up half of my face which looked slightly intimidating considering my left eye looked like I hadn't had any sleep, in other words I looked like a wreck.
He looked at me "wha-what happened?"
"You were attacked by some humans, I scared them off and brought you here, you're lucky I could heal your cracked and slightly broken bones or you would have turned to dust"
"Are you a monster too?"
"No, but I am not human either"
He looked like he was about to say something before my front door burst open with someone yelling "PAPYRUS!"
"Looks like your brother is here, good luck" I looked at him as if this was a normal thing "may your dreams be peaceful as you sleep under the moons gaze" my voice began to sound like an echo before I faded in front of his very eye sockets.

"Wait" Papyrus called out but he could no longer see her, he flinched though when his injury began to make itself known again.
"Papyrus, are you okay?" he looked up to see Sans looking at him, his lazy smile no longer up and showing concern as well as shock when he noticed the bandages on Papyrus's body.
"It's not as bad as it looks" Papyrus defended "I don't remember what happened but I found myself here and a human has been taking care of me"
"Let me look" that was a demand, Sans was never like this unless he needed to.
Papyrus allowed Sans to help him remove the bandages and s around his arms and upper leg, only to freeze when they saw only a few tiny cracks still in place.
"How...?" Papyrus trailed off.
"Are you sure you were injured?" Sans asked to make sure.
Then how could his bones have been fixed within mere seconds if not hours after injury? The wounds that Papyrus had would have taken at least 3 days to heal if not more before he could walk properly, his magic maybe strong but it wasn't strong enough for him to heal with 24 hours.
Sans sighed "it doesn't matter, anyway lets go before that human comes back"
Before they left Papyrus found a piece of paper on the floor, making sure Sans couldn't see him he picked it up and read it to himself.
'The night is old so we cannot see each other for now, if you wish to see me then dream and think of this name dear child, "Luna Nightshade protector of children and dreams and goddess of Shadows I summon thee to me" may we meet again under better circumstances'
Papyrus quickly placed the note under his armour, while his bones felt slightly sore he was still able to walk without any problems. As both of them left the house and headed for theirs they never noticed the black mist with purple eyes watch them, making sure they had no trouble on their way back.
Once they made it safely the mist began to disperse, after all, they had souls to help and nightmares to remove, the night may be peaceful but that didn't mean it was always safe.
Papyrus, Sans, may you both have a peaceful life on this earth, take care my friends, take care.

(Author here, the character is my oc and this is her first introduction to what she looks like, i want your opinion on whether or not i should make more of this or in other stories, so please comment on what you think)

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