Yandere Seto Kaiba x Reader: Family

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Just so we are clear, this is a type of diary in Seto Kaiba's POV and based in an AU where anthros do exist but while they obey the human law (also he is a dragon anthro, no surprise there), they are still treated like animals, sorry if this looks rushed. Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAIBA! (apparently).

He was never a man to show his emotions, but there was a small part of him that craved something, the urge to find a mate, to complete his family.

But after the treatment under his Step-father (and for what he was), he was nothing more than a shell of what he once was, every year when it was time for mating season, he would lock himself in his mansion's basement, throwing himself against the cold stone walls, throwing some kind of fit, trying to show off for a potential mate that would never come, no one to shower gifts with for their nest of future hatchlings.

Well, it's not like he would have had much luck anyway. He was an anthro, part dragon, and part human, while anthros were rare creatures to ever walk the earth, people had always feared them, considering them nothing more to be beasts with disgusting behaviors.

Well jokes on them when he took over Kaiba Corp. isn't it? He was the first one to ever stand up for the others anthros, proving that they were more than capable of something not bound by their beast blood, that they capable and willing to obey the laws of humans if it meant they could co-exist together.

Didn't stop the humans from trying to slaughter them though did it? It's why he didn't trust them when it came to protecting his little brother Mokuba, the poor kid still couldn't fly yet. However, there was one human, who he would be grateful for, even if he would never admit it out loud.

It started one day when Mokuba was making an errand for him while he was busy at work, a stupid driver, who wasn't drunk, went full speed towards Mokuba, the poor kid stood in fright when he heard "DIE YOU DISGUSTING BEAST!"

If it hadn't been for you, he would have returned home to an empty house alone.

It was difficult to accept you when he found out what had happened (and he was going to make that driver pay), but you had saved his brothers life, and while he wasn't the kind of guy to owe favours, he was internally grateful for you rescuing his brother.

And that's why after viewing your background and not having a job, he thought you had potential in serving Kaiba Corp.

For a split second, his stomach flipped when you smiled brightly at him and thanked him for the chance of a job. But like all things that concerned emotion, he ignored it.

You were blunt, honest, and never tried to kiss-ass him when something went good or bad, you were firm with everyone but never shouted at them for how incompetent they were. He wasn't sure what to think about you now.

You had begun to grow close to Mokuba, close enough that Mokuba considered you a friend but not to the point where you were joined by the hip. Kaiba couldn't help but feel a little jealous at the attention his little brother was getting, yes Kaiba still had his doubts that you were luring them into a false sense of security before killing them in their sleep.

Still, you made Moki happy, that was all he ever wanted for him. To have a better life for him, for both of them. You certainly wormed your way into their little family, at least according to Mokuba.

He would never admit it, but it was nice to be treated like a normal person.

A few months afterward he began to trust you to stay with Mokuba when he had to work late nights at the office, unfortunately, that was when someone was foolish enough to break into his manor and try to steal things AND kidnap Mokuba.

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