(Undertale au) Dancetale

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I cannot remember the last time I ever felt happy when it wasn't me playing on a violin/fiddle, let alone dancing with one. It had been a few years since the barrier had been broken and the monsters were set free by a kid named Frisk, I'd be happy to say that I began to love them more when I heard they loved dancing, it was in their 'blood' if you will.

I had made friends with the monsters that hung out with a human called Frisk, the one who had saved them from the Underground, I went their house so much that I practically lived there now, however, I had been asked what type of dance I did, I told them I didn't dance but played the violin and fiddle. At the time that was true, but I had been taking lessons and began using them with my violin and fiddle, it was downright hard at first but I managed to get the hang of it, and that was the problem, I loved dancing while playing the music but I was really self concious when it came to dancing in front of others.

And lets not forget the night job I have, no it has nothing to do with 'THAT', basically every night around midnight and when the moon is visible (or at least some of it) there is a spirit that likes to challenge people to a fiddle contest, if they can match his moves or impress him then he would reward them with money. At first I didn't believe it but if legends were true about monsters living underground then surely this legend had to be true right?

Well it turned out to be true as I found him while wondering the woods getting lost in them, I had my fiddle at the time and when the 'crazy red man' saw me with it he instantly challenged me to a fiddle contest, I've been going to him ever since. In a way I kind of feel sorry for him, only one person has ever met him but that was over a hundred years ago, he may not say it but I'm sure he considers me a friend.

I don't know why, but I never told anyone about him or where I get the money for rent and food, I didn't lie to them about me having a night time job, but I never told them 'what' it was and I'm pretty sure they were getting suspicious. Why did I have to be such a pansy when it came to stuff like this?

"Are you going out on your 'job' again?"

I mentally frowned, Sans said the sentance as if he had eaten something wrong, strange considering he is a skeleton, but yeah he is the first one to be suspicious, not sure about the others though, if they did then they were doing a good job of hiding it.

"Yes, I need the money"

"You have more than enough to last a few months, don't look at me like that I've noticed the amount of money you have, even when you lend it to my friends, now tell me where the heck did you get it from?"

I have never seen Sans like this before, he was usually polite and laid back when he wasn't asked to do something or dancing his soul away, this was new to me and it was starting to freak me out, even more so when his eyes went black and looked more like a hollow skeleton.

"I got it from my job" was all I could say.

"Bull ribs" Sans snapped "I swear if you are doing something behind our backs I will give you a B A D T I M E"

"I am not going behind your back, I just don't feel comfortable talking about it" this was really begining to mess up with my emotions.

And the worst part, is that it wasn't even 11pm yet.


We both jumped at the sudden noise, it was Papyrus from upstairs.


Sans sighed and called out behind him "I'LL BE IN A MINUTE PAPYRUS!" he turned to face me with the same expression "this isn't over" then he went upstairs to go help his brother.

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