Sheogorath x Duke/Duchess Reader

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When I had become the new leader of (Mania/Dementia) I had begun to notice a change in me, the occasional whisper began to turn into an everyday occurrence of loud voices you would here in the market, it was driving me more insane than I had been before. It seemed to be louder when I was in the (Mania/Dementia) castle, because the moment I stepped outside touring my Lords realm or was in the presence of Lord Sheogorath himself, I noticed the voices became the whispers I once had, I felt like I had taken Felldew with a taste of my Lords madness, I felt alive by just being in his presence, but why? I am the Leader of (Which side you chose), I am suppose to be freaked out by every little thing around me or be high as a cloud, how can my Lord make me feel...sane?
It got worse as the days went by, I would giggle at things only I could see, my attitude would change as fast as a pregnant woman, I would roll on the ground when no one was looking as if hoping to absorb my Lords madness from the earth it self, but most of all was the depression, the thought that he would leave us all to fend for ourselves, the thought that I was wasn't good for him as leader of (Mania/Dementia). So here I am laying on my back in the garden by myself.
"Someone's thinking too hard, I could hear you all the way from my throne room, on another note may I ask why you are laying down watching nothing in particular, I usually do that when I'm having a bad day, which is never"
I tensed up and opened my eyes to see on upside down Sheogorath looking at me with an amused expression, I think. I immediately shot up and bowed.
"My apologise my Lord I did not here you enter" I blushed.
Sheogorath waved his hand "fine and dandy, it's normal for you to do these things, be grateful I'm in a good mood or I would pluck your tongue out for a souvenir" he laughed as if he told a joke before going serious "now I won't ask again, what is it that has been troubling you?"
I froze in fear, I couldn't lie to him considering I was a bad liar (not to mention he HATES liars), but I couldn't tell him the truth either, oh who was I kidding.
"I feel like I am not worthy to be in your presence my Lord" I replied nervously, not looking at his (drop dead gorgeous) face "I feel that I am not worthy to have been blessed with your gift"
"Stop with the whole 'not worthy' nonsense it grinds my teeth something terrible"
I nearly freaked out when he gripped my chin hard and forced me to look him in the eyes, the eyes of a hunter, a predator hunting his prey.
"Everyone has a little madness in them my dear friend" he started, I could feel his breath on my face " my worshippers were granted a pinky finger portion of the enhancement of madness along with some good wine to give them a buzz, but you, my dear sweet (y/n), you are one of the close few who is blessed with a small portion of my true nature, a wine that only I drink from " the way he said it, the way he looked at me told me that he wasn't joking "why do you think you've been doing things you never did before? Why do you roll around on the earth to get close to me? Because you tasted my power, my wine, you want more do you not?"
I nearly choked on my saliva, Lord Sheogorath gave me these things? Why?
"I don't want power" I replied weakly "I may have tasted your sweet wine but I do not thirst for the drink of power, only the one who made it, I do not feel whole with it, I want to embrace the true meaning of madness"
I felt him move his hand to the side of my face, it took all the will power I had not to melt like butter on a hot day, I nearly cried when he gripped the side of my head before leaning close to my opposite ear.
"So you wish to embrace madness in all its glory?" I could hear his smirk "you are not the first to have asked such a thing but I must ask why? Is it for power?"
"It is merely a wish my Lord, I would never think to force it on you" I squeaked, I didn't want him to think I was ungrateful "I am grateful of your madness and I only wish it because I have tasted the madness long before I had died, I had hoped to share your good wine with a partner but they always resented it, abandoned, left to rot, your madness was the only company I had, when I lay on my death bed and found myself here I smiled for the first time since my child years, I was happy, because I could breath, and now that I have felt your skin on mine I do not want you to let go" what in the name of Oblivion was going on with me? Why was I babbling such nonsense?
"You cannot have one without the other (y/n), do you accept me as for who I am? Or not at all?"
I could here the warning in his tone, well, I might as well be truth full.
"I wish to embrace all of who and what you are" I whispered in submission.
I never saw the smirk he made before gripping my chin again and proceeding to kiss the life out of me. I couldn't help but submit willingly to him, I had to grip his arms to stop myself from falling though I don't think he minded, but then I felt something enter my mouth, whatever it was it made me feel more alive than I had ever felt before, I felt powerful and taste was nothing like I had tasted before, I needed more. I wanted to taste more of his sweet nectar wine.
I whimpered though when he pulled away, smirking in delight "that was merely a drop and already I've got you wanted more" he leaned closer "close your eyes"
I didn't want to but obeyed his wishes, I felt a flutter sensation in my stomach before it disappeared.
"Open" I opened my eyes but I couldn't see anything, it was as black as the void "don't bother trying to make out the shapes I did this deliberately" another smirk "now let the fun began"
I didn't realise until now that his hands began to roam on my body, I felt as if I was on fire with every touch he gave to my visible skin, I stayed completely still as I wasn't sure what he wanted me to do.
"Come now (y/n), don't make me do this by my self, after all, wasn't you who said they wanted to embrace my madness?"
I thought he meant some thing like torture, not this "my apologise Lord Sheogorath" I carefully lifted my arms and began to trace what I assumed was his arms, I was shocked though when I felt bare skin, did he take his top off?
"That's it" he breathed "but before we go further, I must know if you can handle me"
With that he kissed me again and the sensation from before seemed to burn my insides, the voices grew again, screaming filled my ears and my body felt like it was being torn apart, I whimpered but didn't scream, I embraced the pain and clung harder to my Lord, I wanted more.
"You surprise me" he said after he finished the kiss "no one has ever survived the true embrace of what I am, you are the first to have survived my poisoned wine"
After that I felt hands roam my body again before being lifted up and pressed firmly against his naked chest, though that wasn't the only thing I felt.
I was placed down on something soft but I didn't have time to think as I was being kissed by my Lord once again, the feeling and sensation increasing ten fold, before everything became a blur.

I woke up to the feeling of someone behind me, my back pressed against a familiar chest, his hand making circles on my stomach as if in content. I couldn't hear the voices, I didn't feel the sensations I had felt when he kissed me, I closed my eyes and pretended for a moment that this would last, but my heart knew that this wouldn't happen again.
"How was it?" It was strange to hear him speak softly like that.
"I have never felt an embrace like that before" I replied just as softly "I feel greedy"
He chuckled "as you should, no one has ever survived after taking a sip of my poisoned wine, I dare say that last night you had a full bottle and then some"
Back to the wine thing I see "I feel honoured to have tasted such fine poison, I am content for now but I fear it will not be enough later"
He gripped my hip firmly "do you have feelings for me?"
"Doesn't everyone?" it's true, everyone loved Sheogorath, after all if they didn't then why would their souls end up in The Shivering Isles.
"I didn't mean as a worshipper, do you like me because of what I have given you when you lived, or do you like me because of what I am? Am I wine you drink when you need it most? Or am I something else"
I turned round so I could look at him better "you are not something I need when I am low, you are my food and drink, you are my heirloom, I cannot live without your madness, you are something I find precious"
Sheogorath gave me a smile "then before I leave would you like something to remember me by? I do not know when we will be able to have another tea party like this again"
I didn't say anything, I merely pulled him closer for a kiss and held onto him for life as he rolled over and loomed over me, I allowed myself to fall into his embrace once again, I will mourn this later on but for now I will savour this moment, for he is my saviour, my food and drink, I cannot live without him or his madness.  

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