Skyrim Tolfdir x Dragonborn (oc)

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 Tolfdir may have been a forgetful Nord at times as well as being an old man, but he wasn't stupid, nor was he someone to judge others by their appearance, he remembered the new Redgaurd student that had decided to attend the Collage of Winterhold, she looked ill and her eyes seemed to glow in the heavy, dark storm that seemed to happen a lot, though he knew she was special, even though she always kept to herself and rarely spoke unless spoken to, he could remember the day when he first saw her.

"You've been quiet for a while, what do you suppose we do?"
She looked around the room as if it would give her answers, she looked shy and embarrassed when she spoke "I think that safety should be our top priority, but maybe we could learn something practical like making wards? That way we would still be learning about the use of safe magic" her shy voice vibrated in the almost empty room.
"I think that's an excellent idea, uh, I'm sorry I didn't get your name" he smiled polity.
"Lokahdaanik, but you can call me Lokah for short if it helps"
It did and he had planned on teaching everyone about the wards but he didn't want to hurt her feelings "considering you gave the suggestion would you like to help me out?" when she nodded he instructed her to stand on the symbol opposite him and to hold the ward when he shot a low fire ball at her, once that happened he instructed them all to practice on using them, after everyone had gotten the hang of using the ward he instructed everyone to follow him to the Dig site the collage was excavating.

That was when everything turned for the worst, the girl said something about the Psijic order, finding the eye of Magnus, Ancano abusing the power and killing two of his most, closest friends. He could remember being paralysed as he tried to help Lokahdaanik stop Ancano from destroying Skyrim, the guilt he felt stopped him from sleeping after the fight, he had made a vow to protect the students while also teaching them how to fend for themselves, he honestly didn't expect her to survive. You could imagine the surprised look he had when she managed to defeat Ancano without getting a single scratch on herself.
Then the Order appeared and declared her Arch-Mage before taking the Eye of Magnus with them for safe keeping, Lokah disappeared after that.
Then a few weeks later news had reached Winterhold that said that Lokahdaanik was in fact a Dragonborn. She had been at the collage because she was looking for an Elder Scroll, according to the Orag gro-Shub in the Arcanaeum anyway, then some months later news travelled again that she had vanquished Alduin, the Destroyer. She had even told people that she would be coming back to the Collage to continue on being the Arch-mage, however when she came back Tolfdir noticed that she seemed different than when he first saw her, her skin looked the same, but her eyes didn't seem to glow anymore, if he looked closely he would have sworn that her eyes were now pitch black and devoid of emotion, she still didn't speak unless spoken too or if she needed to instruct something to one of the teachers.
As days went by however, he soon began to notice that she would talk to him more than anyone else, sure he had momentary memory loss but he was quick to catch up on what they were talking about. He was even more surprised when she invited him to her Arch-mage quarters either to simply have lunch or something that may help the school improve its reputation with villagers, no one was allowed in there unless it was seriously important (he had only been there at least twice when Savros was in charge), while nothing seemed to have changed Tolfdir could tell there was some essence of Lokahdaanik lingering around the room. She even allowed him to call her by her name when they were alone.

"Tolfdir" Lokah spoke softly as she looked at the bread in her hand "may I ask you a question that isn't based on the school?"
"Of course" they may not have said it out loud but it was clear that they saw each other as friends, or at least close. Part of him felt proud that he was friends with the Dragonborn, but of course he would never boast about it, dragon shouts aside he saw her as an equal when it came to magic
"How do you envision love?" she looked at him, the hood nearly over shadowing her eyes.
If Tolfdir had been eating his meal, he would have choked on it, that was a question he had not expected to hear, when he looked at her he could have sworn he saw desperation appear in her eyes.
"Are you referring to love in general or Lady Mara's version?" don't get him wrong he didn't question the Divines belief of love, it's just that people tend to think of love differently than others while Mara worshippers stuck to one version.
"Love in general"
Tolfdir thought for a moment "love can be difficult at times, but if both people still love one another than they would be willing to make things better" he wouldn't know though, he had only loved one person but they left him for someone else, he then devoted his entire life to the study of magic and never looked back since.
"What about...?" she froze for a moment "what about a young person in love with an older person?"
That was a tricky question, but he gave her his thought "the way I see it, age is just a number, as long as the person isn't forcing them or if the person is of age then I see no reason on why they shouldn't love each other"
The smile Lokahdaanik made, made his stomach flutter, the conversation finished after that.

Ever since that talk, Tolfdir made sure to keep an extra eye on Lokahdaanik whenever he had the chance, he wasn't sure but something seemed wrong when she was around, before the whole incidents of Ancano she always seemed to warm the place up, now the place seemed colder than normal. He also noticed the lingering looks she gave him when she thought he wouldn't notice.
Then came the question and mood that made him even more curious.
"Do you think I am a monster?" her voice almost disappeared with the wind as they watched the village from the castle walls.
"Why would I think that?" he asked in shock.
"Do you do this out of pity?" her voice seemed broke and desperate at the same time.
"Lokah" he looked at her dead in the eye "you are the best friend I could ever ask for, sure you I spend time with the other teachers but you are the first who has been kind enough to treat me as an equal, just as I do for you"
"How can you though? I have killed so many people, I have dragon blood in my veins, they think I don't see them but I see how they look at me" a tear made its way down her face "an abomination, a disaster waiting to happen, they think I am going to go evil just like Miraak did"
He didn't question who this Miraak was, he just kept silent as she spoke.
"I wake up and look in the mirror, and I see the monster they think I am" a shuddering breath made her sit down to lean against the wall as she cried out "WHY WAS I CURSED WITH THIS?! ALL I WANTED WAS TO BE NORMAL, IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?!"
For once in his life Tolfdir didn't know what to do, he had never seen anyone break down before, and the fact that it was coming from the Dragonborn made him even more unsure.
"Is it too much" she spoke in a raspy voice "to ask for someone to love me for me? To treat me as an equal rather than for popularity?"
Tolfdir wished he knew the answer "you have a friend Lokah, who doesn't care what or who you are, and I will continue to do so" making sure no one was around he carefully knelt and wrapped his arms around Lokahdaaniks shoulders as she continued to cry her eyes out.
This time he felt his heart ache.
From then on he spent his free time staying with Lokahdaanik, but kept his distance when she said she wanted to be alone, during those times he thought about what he could do to make her feel better, with little success. So he decided to right down what he knew, her appearance before and after her visit to the collage, her actions towards everyone and herself personally, as well as how she acted differently between him and everyone else etc.
The more he wrote, the more it became clear, Lokahdaanik, the Arch-mage and last Dragonborn was in love with him, or at least saw him more than a friend.
He held a sigh, there was no doubt that this was love, after all she had been here for a full cycle of the seasons and he wouldn't doubt that she may have felt this way before the defeat of Alduin. Now the question was what was he to do?

He didn't have to wait long.
"You know then" it wasn't a question it was a statement.
"Yes" he was a blunt person when he wanted to be.
"If you have come here to say you don't feel the same way then save your breath" she didn't look at him, her voice sounded like she had given up.
"Arch, I mean Lokahdaanik" he never said her full name unless he was serious about something "first off I have only known for two days, second I did not come here to tell you that I didn't feel the same" he paused as he tried to find the right words, when that didn't work he walked up to her and kissed her on her cheek.
Lokahdaanik flinched and looked at him in shock when he pulled away.
"I wouldn't call it love" he started "but I know I feel something for you, I want to see where it leads, and I don't care what you think you are, you are the most bright and talented wizard I have ever met, your black eyes just make you more special"
"Please" she begged "please tell me you aren't joking because I don't think I could handle it if you are"
Tolfdir lifted her head up by the chin and looked at her dead in the eye "I like you, whether its love or just friendship I don't know, but I would like to see where it goes, all I ask is that if it turns out to be just friendship, will you be okay with it?"
A hug was her reaction and a shuddering breath "I'll take whatever you'll give me" was all she said. They slowly moved back from the hug to look at each other again, a question in her eyes but too afraid to say out loud.
Tolfdir didn't answer, instead he just leaned forward lightly brushed his lips against hers, making Lokahdaanik weak at the knees.
Yes, Tolfdir may have been an old man and forgetful at times, but when Lokahdaanik looked at him with those night sky eyes of hers, he mentally thought that love came in all shapes and sizes, and if one was patient, love would always be there to give them their second chance, and that love wasn't about appearances, but what was beneath them that mattered the most.  

(Author: Lokahdaanik means (Lok) Sky (ah) Hunter (daanik) Doomed in dragon language) 

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