Night At The Museum: Let Us Go

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Guardian of Brooklyn, thank you, for everything.
He never should have agreed to this. He should have asked to stay in the classroom. But of course not, he had no choice. No one else wanted to. Everyone else was 'busy'.
So here he was. With a teacher job. In London. Chaperoning some students with another teacher on the side.
And oh, did I forget to mention that they were currently in THE LONDON MUSEUM?!
And he had a hard time trying not to stare at the sarcophagus while the students listened to the tour guide.
4 years had passed since their goodbye. And even now, it was still painful to look at the resting place of the Pharaoh Ahkmenrah, unable to say anything to the sleeping man inside the coffin.
His chest still tightens. His stomach hurts sometimes. He had tried to let go. But how could one do that when the reason he became the man who he is now, was because it came from the first group of people who gave his life meaning? Besides his ex-wife and son Nicky.
He loved them all like his family. And now that they were gone, he had a hole in his chest that would never fill up again.
He thought he had moved on, but somehow it felt worse.
Four years had passed since that day. He thought he had moved on. Clearly not.
He had trouble not looking back when they moved onward.

Their hotel was conveniently located close to the museum, or at least close enough to get there by bus or foot. The hotel itself was pretty standard for their budget, with good beds at least.
Sadly, the soft mattress and clean bedsheets were not enough to settle the rage of emotions in his mind. Why? Just why?
Let us go
But I can't, I'm not ready to let you go yet
He tried to talk to them, but they all just shook their heads, even Nicky agreed with them.
He could not handle looking at Ahkmenrah when he tried to speak with him, throat getting tight as he tried to thank Larry for everything he had done.
And all Larry could do was say something stupid and then walk off. He never looked back.

The man grabbed a pillow, shoved it on his face, and groaned. He really needed to sleep because tomorrow was their last day in this place before they left the day after.
And he really didn't want to go back to the museum again and see the sleeping family at his feet.
But what about tonight? The sun was down, Tilly would be there. He could see Ahkmenrah and give him a proper goodbye.
Larry immediately bolted off of his bed and rubbed his head and face as if he was some mad man. That was the stupidest idea his brain could ever think of. He wasn't a nightguard anymore. And he would not risk having Tilly get fired from the job. He trusted her with the secret. Who knew what the next person would be like.
He tried to sleep again. But the voices mocked him.
Let us go
I can't
Guardian of Brooklyn, thank you, for everything
Let us go
I don't-
Smile my boy, sunrise

He left the room 10 seconds later.

Barely any light was left when he got to the museum. Lifeless and empty was the parking lot. Well, except for one particular car.
"Oi, you're not meant to be here, closed not long ago" he knew that voice anywhere.
And like usual, his mouth ran for him "Tilly?"
The woman, who was now stepping out of the booth, had narrowed eyes before moving into shock when she realised who it was "Larry is that you?"
How she remembered him, he would never know "I don't-"
"Nope, I remember now, you're not fooling me" this time she moved forward a bit before placing her hands on her hips "I didn't expect to see you again"
"That's only because I'm with a class, I'm a teacher now" there was some pride in his voice, but he didn't really feel it.
"Well congratulations are in order, but in all seriousness why are you here?"
Larry thought for a moment "I really don't know" he answered honestly "couldn't sleep?"
"You know I can't let you in" she looked apologetic.
"I know, and I would never ask you to bend the rules, not like last time"
Tilly snorted "well, I won't stop you from looking around the outside, just make sure you don't look too suspicious" she smirked.
Larry couldn't help but chuckle "alright, take care of yourself Tilly"
"Same could be said about you night boy" just as he turned around "oh, wait a minute" he stopped "Ahkmenrah has been telling stories about you"
Larry felt his heart skip a beat "seriously?" a part of him really doubted it, especially when he had returned to the Museum of Natural History, that place had been partying almost non-stop since Ahkmenrah got there.
And he didn't have the guts to go near the building. Coward.
"Oh yeah, a lot of the people want to know about the great Guardian of Brooklyn and how he singled handly saved Ahkmenrah and his tablet," she said in a posh tone like she was a scholar "he always talked with a smile on his face"
Thank you, for everything
"That's great to hear, please don't tell him I'm here" or ever.
Tilly pulled a moke hurt look with her hands on her chest, then she shooed him away "get out of here before I have to bring you in"
Larry had never moved so fast in his life.

I don't-
A shake of the head
Another shake, sad expressions, and understanding in their eyes
It felt more like they were mocking him. He wasn't ready yet.
He wasn't ready to say goodbye

Faint breathing sounds, faint air coming from his mouth, and the light sound of his footsteps were all he could hear as he traced the edges of the museum's border.
Why did he do this again? Oh right, because he couldn't sleep. Stupid body. Stupid head for making him stay awake.
This was a really stupid idea, he shouldn't even be here. He should be in his bed ready, sleeping, ready to take his students out for their final day of fun before they had to leave. And he was tired. Mentally anyway. He wished this void would leave him.
He remembers the way Ahkmenrah looked at him when he brought him back to his parents, as well as saved him from certain death. He wished he had given Ahkmenrah a proper goodbye. The boy deserved that much. A hug at least, and one that wasn't 'hurray, your not dead for good'.
Let us go
Thank you, for everything

"OI, what are you doing here? This place is off-limits"
Larry looked up and saw two people dressed in black looking at him.
"I thought this was a free country" Larry mumbled under his breath "I'm sorry, I'll go now"
"Get moving then"
Larry was just about to turn when he noticed something odd.
Let us go

"I suggest you two stop that now before the police show up" why did that come out?
"What did you say? Do you know who you're talking to?"
"I know I'm talking to two people who are not part of this building, security does not have black bags unless your stealing" by this point he had his hands behind his back.
Let us go
I don't-

"I suggest you get moving before you lose your head" a gun appeared.
Let us go
"You're going to shoot me either way" shut up you idiot, SHUT UP NOW!
Guardian of Brooklyn
The gun fired.
Thank you, for everything
A phone fell out of the man's hand. Shouting could be heard on the other end.
Let us go
Guardian of Brooklyn, thank you, for everything

Larry Daley was certain he saw gold for a second. He smiled as blood fell from his mouth.
"Goodbye, friend" he wheezed with a smile.
Why was it raining gold?
Let us go
He finally let go as his heart slowed to a stop.

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