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I was sitting in the waiting room of a hospital. I can't tell how long I've been sitting here.

It feels like years. But it also feels like seconds. I turn around to see someone also sitting there. I get up and go over to him.

"Do you know what time it is?" I ask him. He just sits there, not acknowledging me.

"Okay, fuck you too." I roll my eyes and look around. I saw a hallway with a light towards the end.

I wanted to see what was down there. So I started walking down it. I didn't notice how long it was at first.

But it was dragging on. I started running along the hallway to see if it'll end.

But it doesn't. I stop running to look around as I catch my breath. Where was I?

And what the hell was going on?


"Breathe, Owen." Charlie tells me as we wait. This is all my fault.

Saylor would be okay if I told her I was going out with Dani. She wouldn't have been hit by the truck.

Every time I close my eyes, I picture everything that happened.

I tried to scream her name to get her off the road. But she wouldn't budge.

Charlie called an ambulance as Kira was sobbing behind us.

I keep picturing her face. A tear slipped from my eyes as I wipe it.

I couldn't stop shaking. I need to know if she's okay. I was so sure though. I thought I had gotten her back.

But now I don't know. There's so many voices in my head screaming at me.

But they still can't drown out the sound of me knowing this is all my fault.

I know there must have been something that I could've done. I thought I could be strong, but look at me.

I'm a total mess. The emergency room doors opened up causing me to look.

It was Harley, Kilton, and Jesse. They all looked stressed. They looked over at me, anger coming over them.

Kilton came at me with a fist. "You shouldn't be here!" He roared. I quickly stood up and started backing away.

I was distraught. Charlie stepped in front of us before he could do anything.

"Kilton, stop. Let me explain." Charlie calmly told him.

They looked between each other and nodded. Charlie explained everything that happened.

That going out to the bar was a last minute thing and how my phone died.

He also explained about how Charlie, Kira, and Saylor walked in at a wrong time. And how Saylor wouldn't listen to me.

It took Charlie about ten minutes to explain it. And once he was done, they looked at me.

"I didn't mean for this to happen. I'm so sorry." My voice was breaking.

"I never got to tell her that I love her." I admitted. I realized I did during our date to the pier.

But I never said anything because I thought she didn't feel the same. I regret not telling her.

Harley looked at me softly. "I'm sorry we all came to you so strong. You can wait with us." She smiled lightly.

We all sat next to each other. I still feel like I couldn't breathe.

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