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"Will you two stop messing around?" I ask Charlie and Owen.

They were chasing each other around our house. Nash was finally coming back today. We were planning a little surprise party for him.

I was currently at the house with Owen, Charlie, Kira, and my roommates. Jeremy and Carolynn were on their way.

Winston was picking up Nash so he wasn't going to be coming til later. Dani and Harley were currently out getting party supplies.

I'm just happy that Kira is here with me and I'm not alone with the boys. "Tell Charlie to give my phone back." Owen whined.

"What are you, two years old? Give it back to him Char or I'm pushing you in the pool." I threatened.

He squinted his eyes at me. "Don't look at me like that." He groaned at me. "You're no fun." He frowned.

Charlie handed him his phone back. "We have a house to clean!" I clap my hands together.

"Hey can you tone it down, we're going to get everything done." Kilton groaned from walking down the stairs.

I just shake my head as we continue to clean. Twenty minutes later, Harley and Dani were walking in.

"Time to decorate hoes!" Dani cheered. We put up different decorations as Jeremy and Carolynn walked in.

They had brought a party box from In and Out knowing he hasn't had it in a while.

Winston gave us the update that he had just picked up Nash and they were on their way.

Kira and I started cheering. Our bestfriend is back. So much has happened since he left.

I can't believe I flew to Hawaii and back while he was filming. Plus I won the prank war.

I can't wait to hear his filming stories. With everyone's help, we got our things done pretty fast.

I don't expect Nash to be too energetic but we do have some things planned if he is. I couldn't wait to see him.

"He's here!" Jesse announced. We all stood by the door, waiting. I was standing next to Kira and Owen.

After a few second, they had walked in. Nash looked at us as we started smiling. "What the hell?" He asked.

"Welcome home buddy!" We all cheered in unison. He turned over to look at me and Kira.

He looked older. His hair was a little longer and he looked a little thinner. Not too thin, but in shape.

He smiled when he looked at us. "Get over here you two!" Kira and I rushed over towards him.

He almost fell over from our force. He laughed as we wrapped our arms around us.

"You couldn't have missed me that much." He laughed it off. Kira and I looked at each other.

"We did." We said in unison. We let go so he could see everyone else. Once he made his rounds, he started looking around.

"Do I smell In and Out?" We all started nodding as we went into our kitchen. We passed around the food and started eating.

I could tell Nash was enjoying the food. "I was starving." Nash moaned as he ate his food.

I know we all wanted to ask the question. We just didn't know how to ask it.

"So. How did filming go?" Charlie asked him. I hope he isn't too tired and aggravated. "Really good. It was hard at first."

We were all listening. "The long hours and late hours were really tough but I pushed though. I loved it." I could tell he did.

I could see it in his eyes and his smile. He told us stories for a bout an hour or two. He got to work with Shane Harper and Devon Bostick.

He explained how he was starsruck at first but ended up becoming close to them. He told us stories about different things.

We all smiled when he got done. "You don't forget the first show you act in." Jeremy told him.

He wiped his face as he looked at us. "So, what happened with you guys?" We explained to him how I won the prank war.

And how Owen and I went to Hawaii alone. We waited for the tour news for last. "Hey Violet is going on a tour with Five Seconds of Summer."

Nash dropped his jaw to look over at us. "Holy shit! When?" Nash asked looking at us four.

"We don't know yet, we have a meeting with them and Julian tomorrow." Harley answered him.

He looked happy for us. He didn't even look upset that we're going on tour when he gets back. "Congrats." He truly meant it.

We all hung out for while, but Winston and Nash wanted some alone time so they left.

We didn't do much for the rest of the night. The next day, the four of us were going to the office.

We were going to be going over the tour, creating merch, and creating our setlist.

When we get there, they were all waiting for us. "What's up!" Ashton happily asked us. I sat down next to him.

Calum and Jesse sat next to each other, Michael and Kilton sat next to each other, and then Luke and Harley.

"Okay, so we're going on tour in July and that's in two months." Julian explained. "Sadly, you guys are only going to tour in the U.S."

I wasn't too upset about it. At least I get to tour. "You guys need to create a set list for the show." He explained.

"It should be no more than forty five minutes." I rose my hand to ask to a question. Julian sighed as he looked at me.

"Yes, Saylor?" They all turned to look at me. "Can we do at least one cover?" I ask.

I felt the need to explain myself. "If we do a cover it could make the crowd more hyped. Plus it'll make them remember us." I smile.

"If we do a cover, they're more than likely to look us up and download our album." I finish. Everyone was silent.

I could see Julian was thinking. "I think they got a genius in their band." Michael complimented.

I blushed as I looked down. "We for sure don't." Ashton teased which caused me to laugh.

"Okay. But only one cover. The rest are originals." I smiled to myself. I really wanna do the Blank Space cover.

We then went over merch designs and what we wanted. When we got done with everything, it was almost two o'clock.

"You guys have two weeks to make sure you have your set list done and making sure they all flow together." Julian released us.

After we left, I went to lunch with Nash and Kira. I told them how soon I was going on tour which made them pout.

I told them how we were starting tour in July and won't be back til mid September.

I could tell Kira was sad. "I feel like we all just got back together." I pouted along with her.

I agree with her though. Right when we got Nash back, I'm leaving soon. "I just wanna spend as much time with you as I can." I admit.

"Even though I'm going to be busy a lot, I'll still see you two." I assure them. Once I get back from tour, I think things will calm down.

I just need to find a day to spend it with Owen. I won't get to see him much, so I need to be with him.

It's just now hitting me. I'm going on tour. And I'm going to be away from Owen for three months, counting July.

But I know we'll make it work.

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