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I lean back when I finish packing. Owen and I were going to Maui tomorrow morning.

Owen should be on his way soon since Harley is taking us to the airport.

I was so excited. Even though we were only going to be there for a week, I was happy about it.

It feels like years since I've been there last. I'm a totally different person now.

I told Owen about the tour when we came back from the meeting.

He's super happy for me. It doesn't start for another few months so I have time to spend with him.

I heard my door open causing me to look. I smile sweetly when I see Owen.

"Hey handsome." I stand up so I could help him with his bags.

It was six and we had to go to sleep early because we had a long day of flights tomorrow.

He blushed when I called him handsome. "Hey, Cherry." He bent down and kissed my cheek.

It was now my turn to smile. He flopped on my bed from exhaustion.

"I'm so tired." He moaned in my pillow. I crawled into my bed and scoot towards him.

Our faces were inches away. "I am too." I tell him. We were looking at each other in our eyes.

He smiled lightly. "Wanna go to bed early?" I nod as I quickly turn the lights off.

We quickly fall asleep in each other's arms. It felt like Harley woke us up in a few minutes.

But when I check the time, it was only five in the morning.

I groan as my boyfriend stirs next to me. It took me a couple minutes to wake him up, but I eventually did it.

We piled up all of our things in Harleys car and get in. We arrive at the airport forty five minutes later.

We thank my sister as we walk inside the airport. We weighed our bags and went through security which took another forty minutes.

We went to where we were boarding our plane and it was a fifteen minute walk.

Once we sat down, it was six forty. Our flight is at eight so we had a little wait.

"Would you be mad if I took a nap on the plane?" I half tease.

We had a couple movies downloaded on our computers for our flight.

"No, but if you need to, you can nap here on my shoulder." He suggested.

I agreed so I laid my head on his shoulder. As I closed my eyes, I saw Owen lacing our fingers together.

I smile to myself as I slowly fall asleep. It felt good to catch some sleep while I wait here.

Before I knew it, Owen was waking me up again. We were boarding the plane so I stood up and stretched.

I grabbed my bag and went to board the plane. We went to our seats and I had window seat.

We sat down, buckled up, and put our phones and computer on airplane mode. In the next fifteen minutes, we were up in the air.

We had basically six hours on this flight so it'll be awhile before we got off.

The six hours go by faster than I thought knowing we were watching movies the whole time.

It took us about ten minutes to get to baggage claim and then another twenty to get our rental car.

I was super excited. We were staying at the same hotel we all stayed at last time.

I was super excited when we went up to our room. My jaw dropped when Owen opened the door.

We were staying in a suite. It looked like the same suite the boys stayed at.

"Is this?" Before I could finish my sentence, he was nodding his head.

"The same room from last year? Yes it is." He answered me.

I bit my lip as I looked around. So many memories are floating in my head from last time.

It's going to be a lot quieter since we don't have Charlie and Nash being their loud selfs.

I'm gonna miss it. But I'm excited for this alone time with Owen.

No one to bother us. A week to ourselves in Maui. We sat everything down and went to the balcony.

It was beautiful. It was noon so there was a lot of people on the beach and pool.

"I think before we do anything, we get groceries so we're not starving during the week." He suggested.

I agree so we leave the hotel room to get food for us for the week. We drive to a Target and start to look around.

"I can't believe last time we were here, we were getting our things together for a Harry Potter marathon" I speak up.

I look over to see Owen smiling towards me. "Even though I was exhausted, I was thrilled that day." I look at him weirdly.

"Why?" I asked looking up at him. I realized I didn't only change this past year.

But he's changed too. He looks older. But he's still the guy I love.

"Because it gave me the excuse to cuddle with you the whole day." He flirted. I couldn't help but blush at his words.

"You liked me on that trip?" I ask as he looks at me. He nods his head as he purses his lips.

"Of course. I've liked you since the first day I met you." He admitted.

He looked over and grabbed the orange juice. "But I fell in love with you when you surprised me." My heart skipped a beat.

I bit my lip and looked away. "We fell in love at the same time but it took us forever to say it." I lightly laugh.

"I would've told you sooner but you slightly hit your head." He teased.

I looked up at him with my jaw dropped. I try to hold in my laughter but I couldn't hold it any longer.

"You're seriously an ass." I joke with him. We walked around got everything we needed.

Sunscreen, aloe, stuff to make sandwiches, snack foods, and some alcohol.

We went back to our suite and loaded everything up. It was almost two o'clock by the time we sat back on the couch.

"I think tomorrow we should go hiking in the same place we met at." Owen suggested.

We're trying to plan our week out. It's Saturday and we're flying back out Sunday.

I smiled at the memory. I was so naive then. If someone asked if I would change anything, like me tripping, I wouldn't.

Because it led me to Owen. "I think that would be wonderful." He smiled as he typed it on his phone.

"I figured Monday and Tuesday we could go to the beach." I nodded my head in agreement.

"Oh, let's do a helicopter tour. I didn't get to do that last time." He nods as he types it down.

When we got done with planning, we headed down to the pool.

It made me wonder how that little girl was who played Mermaids with me and Kira.

I laid my towel on a chair and take my clothes off, revealing myself in my bikini.

I lay down on the chair so I can soak up the sun. I could feel Owens stare on me.

I turn over to look at me. "You wanna take a picture?" I joke as he rolls his eyes.

"You just look very beautiful. But please don't burn, Cherry." I smile at how much he cares.

"You're the one I have to worry about." He bends over and kisses my forehead.

I smile to myself as I close my eyes, feeling the heat on my body.

I'm so happy to be here.

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