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Four months later

Tour has been one the best experiences of my life. We left for tour in July and had the whole month of June to prepare.

I sadly had to miss Owen's twenty-second birthday but he was okay with it because I'm doing what I love.

And that was his birthday present. I did get to facetime afterwards.

It's now September. And our last night on tour. I was sad about tour ending. But I'm happy to get home and rest.

I'm surprised Harley and Jesse haven't killed either me or Kilton. We bicker all the time like we're siblings.

But that's what happens when you're cooped up in a bus, hours on end, for three months.

Owen's been staying at our house for the past three months to make sure no one breaks in.

We talked about it, and he even moved his stuff in and sold his apartment. We were basically living together anyway.

I was currently backstage, getting my makeup done. We were performing at the Staples Center.

I haven't heard from Owen or anyone so I guess they all got busy and they're hanging out.

It made me nervous. But I'm usually nervous right before a show.

I had on a thrasher shirt and black skinny jeans with my black high top vans.

I played with the charm bracelet on my wrist that I never take off.

"You nervous?" Harley asked coming over to me. She had her makeup done.

I nodded my head. "I'm just nervous about Owen. I'm also a little nervous about tonight." I admit.

She gave me the are serious look. "We've been doing this for months and you've killed it every time." I smiled at her words.

No matter how many times I play in front of a big crowd, I still get nervous. "Thanks sis." I smile.

My phone dinged causing me to look at it. Owen texted me to kill it tonight. I smiled to myself.

Before I could answer, they were rushing us to the stage.

Good thing I had my ear piece in. The boys had their guitars while my sister had her bass.

I had my drumsticks in my hand as we walked to the stage.

"Good luck!" Calum shouted at us. We all thank him. We all got closer to the boys in these few months.

We all walked towards the stage, the security guards around us. Right when we get to the stage, the lights went down.

Everyone started cheering. I sat by my drum kit and wait. We did our little intro and then went straight into This Is Why.

"You had my attention then you stomped it out." I heard my sister sing. We usually don't have too many people.

But it was enough to hear them in the ear piece. There were so many lights on stage, I couldn't see anyone.

By the end of This Is Why, I was sweating horribly. They never talk about how much sweat you lose on stage.

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