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When I walk inside my awfully huge house, the first thing I saw was a welcome home banner.

I smile when I see it and Jesse and Kilton stand on either side.

"Welcome home!" They cheered. I walk over to them slowly and hug them.

I look around the house in awe from how big it is. "I love you both, don't get me wrong. But I'm in desperate need for a shower." I scrunch my nose.

I then furrow my eyebrows. "Can either one of you show me where my room is?" I ask. Jesse nods his head as he takes me up the stairs.

It took me about three days to properly walk again. I'm just happy I had Brennen's help.

He took me to my room and it was a decent size. I had a bed, electric drums, and a keyboard.

The doctor told me to wait to play the drums until the swelling goes completely down.

He doesn't want the loud noise to make it worse. "Come down whenever you're done, we're gonna be downstairs." I smile as he walks away.

I go to bed room to see a picture on the nightstand. I go over and look at it.

I've never seen that picture before. I pick it up to get a closer look.

It was of me. And a random person. I don't know who the guy is. It looks like we had matching bucket hats on.

We both look extremely happy. He was kissing my cheek as I smiled in the mirror. "Everything okay?" My sister asked.

I looked at her as I held the picture. "Who is this? The guy in the picture." She came over and glanced at it.

She takes a deep breath. "Don't worry about it. Just shower and we can have our movie night." I agree so I sit it down.

I quickly shower and put on comfortable shorts and a large t-shirt.

When I go downstairs, I heard talking from the room behind the kitchen.

I go in there to see them all sitting on the couch. Kira and Charlie were in there as well.

As well as someone I didn't recognize. He was blonde, probably about our age.

He had on joggers and a cream sweatshirt. When I walked in, he was staring at me.

There was something about him that was familiar. "Hey, I hope you don't mind, I invited my friend Owen." Charlie spoke.

Owen cleared his throat and walked over towards me. "It's nice to meet you." I reach my hand out so he can shake it.

He shakes my hand as he smiles. It doesn't seem like a real smile.

"You too." He lets go of my hand. I look over to see everyone looking at us. I went over and sat down next to Kira.

"What movie are we watching?" I ask to no one in particular. "The Interview." I instantly smile.

"I love that movie." I announce. They turn it on causing us to get quiet.

We laughed throughout the entire movie. Once it was done, most of everyone was hungry.

It's been a couple hours since I've ate so Harley has to make my meal.

Everyone left me and Owen in here together. "So, how long have you known Charlie?" I ask making conversation.

Owen looked over at me. "A couple years. We filmed a Netflix show together." I look at him in shock.

"You're an actor?" He nodded his head. He sat up and positioned himself better.

He was now facing me. "Yeah. The most recent thing was Julie and the Phantoms." He explained.

I was interested. "I'm gonna have to watch it." He lightly smiles at me.

"I think you'll like it." I couldn't shake how familiar he looked.

It's like I've met him before. "Are you from here?" I ask changing the subject.

He shook his head. "Norman, Oklahoma." I drop my jaw towards him.

Norman's like thirty minutes away from Oklahoma City.

"I'm from Oklahoma City!" I say excitedly. He drops his jaw in shock.

Something rushed into me and it was weird. It felt like deja vu.

I feel like I've had this exact conversation before. I couldn't shake it off.

"You okay?" Owen asked worriedly. I wanted to shake it off. But the doctor said it would be better if I talked about everything I felt.

"I just had this really weird feeling of deja vu." He looked at me strangely.

But he also had hope on his face. "What do you mean?" He asked wondering.

"I just felt like I've had that same conversation before but I can't put my finger on it." I sigh in defeat.

"Do you get that a lot?" He sounded curious. I shrug at the answer.

"I was recently in a coma. Kira was apparently there and says a truck hit me head on. I don't remember it though."

I played with my fingers as I talked. This felt oddly familiar too.

"I don't remember much from these past few months." It's weird. I just met Owen and I feel like I can tell him anything.

He's really easy to talk to. "I'm sorry." He apologizes. I shake my head as I look at him.

He actually looked like he felt bad for me. "Don't worry about it. Doctor said it should come back." I smile to him.

I need to stay positive throughout this. It'll get better.

He lightly smiled to himself. Before he could say anything, my sister brought me food. "Here you go." She smiled.

I thank her as everyone else started coming in. We watched movies for a while.

But Harley was tired so she went to bed. Jesse and Kilton wanted to play music so they're all upstairs.

Everyone but me and Owen. "I don't wanna sound weird, but there's something about you that's oddly familiar." I speak up.

There was some light in Owens eyes when I say that. "Really?" I nodded my head.

And then it hit me. "There's a picture in my room, and you look like the guy in it." He then looks at me strangely.

"Here, I'll go get it." I quickly grab it and bring it downstairs.

I sit next to him on the couch and show him the picture.

I could tell he was remembering something. "Is it you?" I ask with hope in my voice.

He clears his throat before speaking. "I can't tell." I frown as I sit the picture down.

"I bet I'll figure it out soon." I try to stay positive. He still seems familiar to me.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help with it more." He apologized. "No need to apologize." I smile.

After sitting here and talking to him, I learned he's super sweet. I heard footsteps coming towards us so I look over to see Kira and Charlie.

"I think we're gonna head outa and let Saylor get some rest." I didn't realize how tired I was.

I look at Owen to see him frown. He stands up and looks down at me. I better stand up too.

"It was nice meeting you." I tell him honestly. He smiled over at me.

"You too. Maybe we can hang out soon." He suggested.

I think it'll be fun. I nod my head in agreement. "Yeah. Sounds good." Charlie clears his throat so I guess he was getting rushed out.

"I'll see you soon." He walked out with my best friend and her boyfriend.

I sigh as I walk up to my room. I'm so happy to be back in my bed.

Hospital beds are not comfortable. Only because of the Ivs and monitors.

Today was a good first day back.

Strawberry || Owen Joyner Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin