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I finally get to the end of the hallway. I was blinded for a second. I look around to see I'm on a giant stage.

It looked like Madison Square Garden. The screams were almost deafening.

I look over to see Harley playing with the band. "Come on, we need our drummer back." I looked at her strangely.

What does she mean? How did I even get here? I go to the drums and sit down.

Even though I don't know the song, I seem to play it perfectly.

"You're doing great!" Saylor spoke to me. It's weird though.

Her voice sounded distant. It felt amazing to be playing here at Madison Square Garden.

But as I played, there was bright light at the other end of the arena. I was distracted by it cause it looked like the one at the end of the hallway.

I stand up so I can go to it. I jump off the stage and start walking to the light.

If I find the other side, I wonder what's on it.


It's been a week since Saylor has been in a coma. I've never been this depressed before.

I just wanna tell Saylor I'm sorry. But if she wakes up, there's a possibility she won't remember me.

Or her memories are going to be altered. She could wake up hating me.

I'd rather her forget me than to hate me. I was currently laying in bed, staring at my ceiling.

Dani was sitting on my office chair in my room. She feels awful for how things went down.

If she gets the chance, she wants so apologize to her. We've been trying to help each other since we're both in bad places.

As I lay there, my phone started ringing. I saw that it was Harley.

I sit up and answer it. "Everything okay?" I ask. She's been keeping me updated.

Harley's barely left her side. The only time she leaves is at night.

"Yeah, I was about to shower and I have a plan." I had the phone on speaker so I looked at Dani confused.

"What do you mean?" I ask her confused. "Come to the hospital. While I'm walking out of the icu, you can walk in." She explained.

I can see Saylor? "They just checked on her so you should have a couple of hours with her." I was putting my shoes on as she spoke.

"Okay, I'm on my way. Thank you." I grabbed my hat and sunglasses.

She told me it was no problem and hung up. "You're going?" Dani asked as I nodded.

"I'm not missing my chance." I tell her. If it was me, I know that Saylor would visit.

I speed over to the hospital and get there within twenty minutes. I text Harley that I'm here and to be walking out in a couple minutes.

I kept my hat and glasses on so they wouldn't recognize me. I quickly get onto the elevator and press the fifth floor.

My heartbeat rose as I waited. I don't know what to expect.

I walk to the icu and through the doors. And right as I walked in, Harley walked out.

I made sure the nurses weren't around before I went in.

It looked like most of them were on their lunch break. I take a deep breath before walking in.

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