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Ever since Owen and I confessed our feelings, we're with each other almost every single day.

People have been annoyed with us but I couldn't care less. I'm happy.

I was having a jam session with the band and it felt good. I honestly couldn't be happier. When we finished, I checked my phone.

Nash and Kira were texting in the group chat that we have together. They wanted me to come over.

Just the three of us. I can't remember the last time it was just the three of us. I agreed so I changed my clothes and went to their apartment.

Almost everything was the same from what I remember. "Hey losers!" I yell. I heard shuffling from the loft so I looked.

Nash was running down the steps as he rushed to me. "We're celebrating, bitch!" He yelled loudly.

I was confused. I looked at Kira as she came up to us. "Celebrating what?" I ask looking in between the two.

"I got casted in my first show!" I started cheering. I was so happy for him. "You deserve it! What's it about?" I ask.

I cross my arms as we stand there. "It's called A Teacher. It's about a teacher who starts a sexual relationship with her student." He smiles.

"It's a drama mini series." I felt so happy for him. He's been working so hard for this moment. His first acting gig.

"When do you all start filming?" I question. He pouted. "A month and a half. We're filming for three months in Canada."

Oh wow. "What about Winston?" I ask him. "He's actually going to move in here to help with bills." Kira explained.

"I think we can work the distance and the time. He knows how much I've been wanting this." I'm going to miss Nash.

But I'm so happy for him. He truly deserves it. "Well, how are we celebrating?" I ask them.

"We're going out to a strip club." I couldn't say no. I love strip clubs. Even though I wasn't dressed for it, I still went.

I told Owen where I was going and he was cool about it. He even said he might show up.

I told him to bring Jer and Charlie if he did. We get to the gay strip club and I couldn't wait.

I love gay strip clubs. We've been to many strip clubs, it was kind of our thing.

After an hour and a half of being there, I was feeling the alcohol. I haven't had it in so long that my tolerance lowered.

I was talking to a stripper who was super cool. "What the fuck?" I heard Nash ask.

I look up to see, my boyfriend, Charlie, Jeremy, and Winston. I stand up and run to my favorite person.

I wrap my arms around him causing him to laugh. "You're feeling good, aren't you?" He asked with a hint of laughter.

"I feel amazing, baby. You need to try their Vegas Bombs." I slur. I could see his face when I called him baby.

He blushed which made me smile. "You're very cute when you blush." I smile as I sit on the couch.

We were all sitting on the couch in front of one of the stripper polls. "You're very loving tonight." He noticed.

"You don't like it?" I pouted. He shook his head. "I love it. Trust me, baby." I loved it when he called me baby.

Before we could say anything, Kira grabbed my hand. "I'm out of my drink." She informed me.

I quickly stood up so I could fill mine up too. Out of our friend group, we were known to spiral.

We are like Ronnie and Snooki from Jersey Shore. "Are you trying to spiral tonight?" I asked as she nodded.

"Spiral squad!" We cheered. We took shot after shot together. I wish I could say I had a good night.

But I ended up blacking out. When I woke up, I was in Owen's room. How did I get here? I look to see it was two pm.

I had a wave of nausea hit me. I get up and ran over to Owen's bathroom.

I lean over the toilet and start vomiting. I heard footsteps rush to me as I throw up.

Owen pulled my hair back and started rubbing my back. I've never been this hungover before.

I threw up for the next five minutes. Once I got done puking and dry heaving, I lean back.

I run my fingers through my hair as I hide my face. "I don't want you to see me like this." I rasp.

"Too bad, you're not dealing with this by yourself. I'm here for you, Cherry." I lightly smile as I hear the name.

"Owen, how did I get here?" My head was pounding. "I brought you here around six this morning." He explained.

"Both you and Kira were spiraled pretty bad. Jeremy just left here." Jeremy stayed here too?

I had no idea. "Charlie, Winston, Kira and Nash went to Nash's apartment. They were all pretty wasted."

I hope they got home okay. I hide my face deeper out of embarrassment. "How bad was I?" I hate blacking out.

Especially after my coma. "You weren't bad at all. You just couldn't physically walk so I carried you up here." He then chuckled to himself.

"Why are you laughing?" I groan as he stops. "You and Kira started dancing around the pole whenever they weren't looking."

I groan out of embarrassment. "Hey, look at me." He softly spoke. I look at him with my eyes, but I keep most of my face hidden.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about." He assured me. He kept his eyes on me as he spoke.

"You're still the beautiful girl I fell in love with." He reassured me. I feel a little better as he rubbed my back.

He really does calm me down. "You can freshen up if you want. You hungry?" I shook my head.

I just threw everything I had up, I wanna at least calm myself. "I wanna ease my stomach up." I tell him.

He leans in and places a kiss on my temple. "Go rest in my room." He walks out, leaving me by myself.

I make myself get up and freshen up my mouth. When I finish, I lay back down in Owen's bed.

How did he get his bed so comfortable? I covered myself in his blanket, getting his scent.

I laid there in pain for about thirty minutes and I heard footsteps. I open my eyes to see Owen.

"I know your heads probably hurting so I brought Advil and water." I sat up so I could take it.

I take the Advil and swallow it down with water. "Thank you baby." I rest my head on his shoulder.

He rubs my back a little bit. "You're very welcome. Is there anything else you need?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Can you stay with me?" He agreed so we got comfortable in bed.

I felt so safe in his arms. I'm so thankful to have him with me during this hangover.

Here he is, proving that he loves me. He could've left after seeing me like that. But he stayed to help.

I'm so thankful I have him in my life.

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