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Everyone was staring at me as a mixture of tears and rain water ran down my face.

"What?" Nash asked coming up from the front. Kira was right behind him.

It was now my turn to talk. "Kira, Nash. We met the boys during the trip to Maui." I look at each of them.

They looked at me shockingly. "We got signed guys. And we recorded an entire album." I look at the band.

"Charlie you're like my brother. I don't want that bond to go away." I admit to him.

He pouted as he looked at me. I could tell he wanted to cry. "Jeremy, I've missed you getting me out of everything." He always kept me sane.

I then looked up at Owen. "That song I wrote. It was for you." I remember back.

Owen was looking at me softly. There was water droplets on his eyelashes that looked cute.

"The band is back together." Jesse happily said. They came over and gave me a hug even though I'm wet.

Eventually, everyone came and hugged me. I felt extremely happy that I have my memories back.

They pulled away as Harley looks at us. "Come on, let's get you guys warmed up." Harley walked inside to grab us towels.

"How'd it happen? Like what triggered it?" Jeremy wondered.

"I don't know, we were talking and he called me Cherry. And it just hit me out of no where. Everything came back." I explained.

I looked over at Owen to see him looking at me. "You remember the accident?" Charlie asked.

I nodded my head as I looked at him. Memories flashed back in the head.

"The whole thing." I sigh. Harley comes back with towels and we wrap ourselves up.

"You can borrow some of my clothes until yours dries." Jesse offers to Owen. "Thanks dude." Once we were dried enough, we went inside.

I went into my room to change. I put on another pair of leggings and an oversized hoodie.

I went over and looked at the picture on my nightstand.

Even though I didn't recognize Owen at the time, I noticed it was him.

"How are you feeling?" Owen asked me from my door.

I looked at him and smiled. "It's a lot to take in but I think I can handle it." I laugh a little. He was wearing a band shirt and sweats.

He comes over to me and sits on my bed. I could tell he was nervous.

"I hope things aren't different between us now." He speaks softly.

I shake my head no. I do frown though. "I did wanna talk about that." I tell him honestly.

He nods his head. "I now realize how I should've listened to you." He shook his head.

"Ever since that night, I've regretted it. That was probably the worst night of my life." He played with his fingers.

"What happened? After the truck hit me?" I asked. I've always wondered.

And now that I remember who was there, I can finally ask what happened. I could tell he was remembering back.

And he looked pretty distraught. "If you don't wanna talk about it, then it's okay." I speak up.

He shakes his head. "It's okay." He took a deep breath before speaking again.

"I ran to you after you got hit. I tried to shake you awake and yell at you. But you wouldn't budge." He spoke softly.

"Charlie called the paramedics while Kira was freaking out." He explained.

My heart ached for them. "I was trying to act calm. But when I saw the blood on my hands from your head. I freaked." He looked down.

I noticed his hands were shaking. I took my hand and placed it into his.

"I still get nightmares at night." He frowned. I felt so bad for him.

He didn't deserve it. "What's going to happen between us?" He questioned.

"I still wanna be with you. But can we take it a little slow. Just until I get in my groove again." He lightly smiles and nods his head.

There was a light knock on the door. "I don't mean to interrupt but I need your wet clothes." I get up and give them to my sister.

I thank her as she heads out. Owen and I end up talking for an hour.

I didn't realize how much I missed it. As we talked, it rained even harder and it thundered a couple times.

As we sat there, the lights in my room turned off. I quickly grab onto Owens hand.

"Did you possibly bring the ghost from your townhouse?" He whispered.

I chuckled as I rolled my eyes. "No you ass, I think the powers out." I tell him.

We grabbed our phones and turned the light on. The whole house was dark.

We went to down stairs to see them all in the living room.

There was an air mattress blown up. "Thank god we got this blown up before the power went out." Kilton wiped his forehead.

Winston looked at us when we walked in. "We're having a sleepover since the storms getting worse." He smiled.

"We just have to make bed arrangements." Carolynn spoke.

There were eleven people here. We were gonna bring our beds down to the living room so we had more space.

We had my bed, Jesse's bed, Kilton's bed, Harley's bed, and the guest bed.

Carolynn and Jeremy were going to take the air mattress.

Harley and Jesse were gonna sleep in Harley's bed while Charlie and Kira were taking Jesse's bed.

Kilton was taking his bed which led Nash and Winston to have the guest bed.

And then it was only me and Owen. "I can sleep on the couch if you want." Owen offered I shook my head.

"No. It's okay." I smile. We had brought the cherry bonsai tree down so it could be a light for us.

And we also had Jesse's night light that he got for Christmas.

We all laid down on our beds. Owen was hesitant at first, but he got in.

He had changed his clothes since they were now dry. I scooted towards him as he wrapped his arm around my back.

I put my head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat. I could feel the warmth on his chest.

"I need a girlfriend." Kilton randomly spoke. I giggled into Owens chest.

"We just need to find someone as weird as you." Kira joked with him.

I could hear snickers from everyone. "You don't have to be so mean." Kilton told her.

It was quiet for a moment. "At least I have my stuffed animal to cuddle with." He joked.

I laughed even more. I can tell this was going to be a hell of a night.

"I'm scared of the dark." I could hear Nash groan. "Are you going to do this all night?" Nash rasped.

This makes me feel like I'm in middle school again. It's like when you're supposed to be asleep but you can't.

So you and your friends start talking about random shit.

"Maybe." Kilton teased. Nash groaned again. "I think it's funny." Winston laughed.

Owens scent filled my nose which calmed me down. He was also lightly rubbing circles on my back.

"This has been the strangest night." I laugh to

I went from playing video games with my friends, to crying in the rain because I got memories back, to cuddling with Owen because of the black out.

Even though it's been strange, I wouldn't want it any other way.

It was perfect.

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