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This past week and a half has been insane. The band and I have been nonstop working on our set list.

We have it done, we've just been playing it non stop since we have it finished. We're making sure it flows.

We were starting it off with This Is Why and switch over to Guys My Age. We were then going to introduce ourselves and say who we were.

After that we were going to O.D.D. and after that, we were going to do Fuqboi. After that, we were going to do our Blank Space cover.

And we were going to three more songs. Like Lovers Do, to Hoodie, to Break My Heart.

We don't get to do as many songs as the boys, but we got to do our favorites.

We had just got done practicing for the day so I felt gross and sweaty.

"I call shower!" I get up slowly since my muscles are sore. I quickly get in the shower which relaxes my muscles.

I blow dry my hair and look for clothes for tonight. I'm going out with Jeremy, Charlie, Nash, Owen, and Kira.

We wanna have one last get together, just us, before I leave. I can't remember the last time we all hung out.

We were going to a place called Rock it Lanes. It was a bowling alley with an arcade. It was also a sports bar.

It was kind of like a Ben and Jerry's. I put on a black tank top with yellow plaid pants. I do my make up and leave my hair natural.

I put on a choker and my shoes on. We were all meeting at Kira and Nashs apartment. Well, I guess it's Winstions now too.

"I'll be back later." I announce to everyone. I was leaving a little bit early. I knew that if I laid down, I wouldn't get back up.

It took me about thirty minutes to drive to their apartment. I walked right in there, knowing they wouldn't care.

I could hear Nash and Winston watching a movie. I could hear shuffling from the loft. "Char?" I hear Kira ask.

"You wish." I joke with her. She smiled at me as I laid on her couch. I made sure to take my shoes off.

"You know we're not leaving til seven thirty right?" She asked with an eyebrow raised. "Yeah, but I figured I could come early and crash."

I knew she didn't care. She knows how sore I've been from all this drumming and rehearsing.

If it's any extra time to spend with me, even if I'm sleeping, they're gonna take it. I grab their blanket off the couch and wrap myself up.

"Just don't snore, I have a youtube cover to film." She teases. I flip her off as she walks away.

Her singing was so good, it made me fall asleep faster. I could feel my breathing start to slow.

Their couch was super comfortable. I could tell this nap was hitting hard.

When I woke up, everyone was here. I look around to see Owen sitting by my feet, they were on his lap.

He looked at me to see I was waking up. He was smiling towards me.

"Hey, sleeping beauty." I rub my eyes as I look around. Jeremy, Charlie, and Kira were standing in the kitchen talking.

"How long have I been asleep?" I rasped. "A few hours. We're waiting on Nash to finish getting ready." He explained.

I look at the time to see it was almost seven thirty. I sit up, moving my feet off of Owen's laugh.

"Cherry, if you're tired, you can catch up on some rest." I shook my head.

He knows how hard we've been working. "No. I wanna spend time with everyone. Especially you." I lean my head on his shoulder.

"Look who's awake. Saylor, did you know you drool in your sleep." Charlie teased. I raise my head to look at him.

I squint my eyes towards him. "I'd rather drool in my sleep then snore like you." I comeback to him.

"Saylor you bicker with everyone, don't you?" Jeremy asked while laughing.

"Charlie came at me so I came back." I start to argue with him now.

Kira and Owen made sure to stay out of it. "I think you argue with everyone." Jeremy thought out loud.

"Maybe that's who I am, get over it." I joke making them all laugh. "Saylor Bicker Edwards." Kira joined in.

"Not you too." I jokingly roll my eyes. Nashs door opened his door, revealing he was ready.

We all got into different cars. Owen, Charlie, Kira and myself in one while Jeremy and Nash rode in the other.

It was only a ten minute drive so it wasn't bad at all. We walked inside and I loved the vibe instantly.

It was dark but the glow in the dark paint lit it up. We paid for a game of bowling.

I was excited for it. We all grabbed our shoes and put them on. We all started out trying to play.

But halfway through, we decided to screw around while playing. It made it more fun and interesting.

As I look around, I couldn't be happier. And then then it hit me. We met this time last year.

And look at us now. Still going strong. Jeremy's came out with a some new music.

Nash just filmed for his first show ever. Owen wrote a song about me when I was in coma.

Charlie is filming a movie this month in Los Angeles. Kira's about to hit a million youtube subscribers.

And I'm about to go on a tour with Five Seconds of Summer. Last year, I never thought we would still be hanging out.

And look at us. We made it. I'm so proud of all us. "Everything okay?" Owen asked looking at me.

I didn't realize it but I had some tears in my eyes. I sucked them back in as I smiled. "I feel infinite." I admit to him.

I feel so grateful for everything I have right now. Whenever I didn't have my memories, I had a piece of me missing.

I always felt stuck and weak. But I'm stronger than ever. I got hit by a truck, was in a coma, lost my memories for two months, and now here I am.

With my best friends. These people mean the world to me.

Don't get me wrong, I love Winston, Harley, Jesse, Kilton, Dani, and Carolynn. But they don't have the same affect on me.

These people literally saved my life. Especially Owen. He watched me get hit by the truck.

I was pissed at him. He could've left me alone.

Never talked to me again. But he never left my side. He knew I couldn't drink New Years Eve.

So he literally stayed behind so he could be with me. To make sure I was safe. I scoot over towards my boyfriend.

"Thank you, Strawberry." He looked at me strangely. "For what?" He asked with his eyebrow furrowed.

"Everything. Sticking by my side even though I didn't remember you." His face instantly softened up.

He lightly kissed my forehead. Everyone is so caught up with each other, they're not paying attention.

"That's what you and I do. We protect each other."

Strawberry || Owen Joyner Where stories live. Discover now