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Tonight's the night of the Secret Santa party. We've totally decked the house out in Christmas decorations.

I was currently in my room, wrapping Owens present I got him.

I went to the mall last weekend with Jeremy and Carolynn since we didn't have each other. "Saylor! Everyone's on their way!" I heard my sister yell.

"I'll be down there in a minute!" I yell back. I do my finishing touches and put a little bow on it.

I get up and jog downstairs. I put the present with everyone else's and smile.

I had on a red dress with black leggings. I had on a black leather jacket which went with the outfit.

The doorbell rang so I went to get it. I open it to see Owen and Dani. She had on a black shirt that's tucked into a red skirt.

She looked super cute. I then looked over to Owen. He looked super good.

He had on dress pants, a button down shirt, and a red Christmas sweater over top of the button down.

I couldn't help but stare at him. "You look really good, Saylor." Dani complimented breaking up our eye contact.

I smile over towards her. "Thank you, so do you. Here come in." I step aside so they could walk in.

They thank me as they walk in. I close the door so they could sit their presents down in the living room.

It took about twenty minutes for everyone to get here.

"Okay, so what's first, eating or presents?" Nash asked to no one in his particular. "Why? Can't wait to eat?" I joke with him.

He lightly shoves me which makes me laugh. "I never thought I'd meet anyone that eats so much." Winston joined in.

"Get used to it, babe." Nash smiled. "It honestly depends on how hungry everyone is." Harley spoke up.

"It shouldn't take us long to do presents. We can do that and eat." Jeremy suggest.

We all agreed and went to the living room. "Who wants to open theirs first?" Harley was skimming the presents.

"I think the oldest." I tease with Jesse. He flips me off as Harley hands him his present. It was a medium sized box.

He opened it to find a led night light in the shape of a rubber duck. 

We all started giggling. "Now you don't have to sleep in the dark." Kilton spoke up.

It makes since knowing Kilton is the one who bought it.

"This makes me feel like a badass. Thanks dude." Kilton and Jesse bro hugged making us all laugh.

A couple more people opened their gifts. Carolynn got a squish mallow from Harley.

Kilton gets a new pair of shoes from Charlie. Charlie gets a couple shirts that has sleeves as a joke.

Dani got a perfume bottle from Winston. She looked really happy she got it.

This is why I loved Christmas. I loved seeing people happy when they open their gifts.

"Owen, you wanna open your gift?" Harley asked him.

He nodded so she picked up the box I wrapped and handed it to him.

He tore off the wrapping and opened the cardboard box.

I could see his breath catch in his throat. "I hope you like it. When I was looking for stuff, it was kinda drawn to me." I admit to him.

He unfolded the Padres baseball shirt and looks at it. I could see some tears in his eyes.

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