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"Baby, please watch where you're going." Owen nervously tells me as we walk.

We had just got into the walking trail. We had brought a bunch of granola bars and waters just in case.

I scrunch my nose as I look up at him. "What? You don't want to give me a piggyback ride again?" I teasingly ask.

He thought about it for a second. "You know what, that sounds like a good point. Break your ankle if you need to." I laugh at him.

I'm happy Owen and I can joke around like this in our relationship. We do have our serious moments.

But eighty percent of the time, we're joking around with each other.

As we do our hike, I couldn't help but look around. I almost forgot how beautiful Maui looked.

I just love how everything looks here. It's so different compared to both California and Oklahoma.

They're all beautiful in their own ways. I could hear Owen laugh to himself.

I look at him confused. "You know, it's a lot quieter without Nash." He admitted. I couldn't help but notice.

It's weird not hearing him moan and groan the whole hike. I miss him like crazy.

He should be back from filming here in about a month.

"I like it though, because now I get to enjoy everything." I walk closer to him and lace our fingers together.

"I wouldn't want to be here with anyone else." He smiled towards me.

We walk all the way to the swimming hole to see a couple people in it. I looked and saw the same log we sat on just last year.

"Do you still have that pocket knife you got?" I ask Owen.

He looks at me suspiciously as he grabs it out of his backpack.

I go over towards the log and sit in front of it. "Whatcha doing, Cherry?" He asked from behind me.

"I wanna write our initials into the log." I answer him.

I start to carve the initials which takes me a little bit. When I finished, I leaned back to look at it.

'SE+OJ' with a little heart near it. "It looks like Saylor Edwards plus Orange Juice." Owen teased.

"I like your initials though. They're better than mine." I admit to him. He shook his head as he looked at me.

He pulled his phone out so he could take a picture of it.

"I love everything about you baby." He kissed my cheek as he stood back up.

I take a picture of it too and look at it one last time. I smile to myself as I stand up.

"You ready?" He asked. I nodded as I went back towards the blonde.

I grabbed his hand again as we started walking. By the time we got back to the hotel, it was about time for dinner.

"There's a Hawaiian restaurant near by that I think is going to be good." Owen speaks to me.

I've always loved Hawaiian food. "Let's go then. I'll start getting ready." I get up from the couch and go to our room.

I put on a black tube top, a Hawaiian button up shirt, and jeans shorts.

I left my Hawaiian shirt unbuttoned as I started doing my hair.

Owen walked in as I looked at myself in the mirror. "You look cute." He complimented.

I thank him as I do a space bun on top of the left side of my head.

I started doing my other side as Owen started getting dressed. He put on a tie die shirt with a pair of jogger shorts.

He combed through his hair as I finished up mine. I decided to leave my face natural which looked good.

We grabbed everything we needed and headed towards the parking lot.

"I'm really happy to be here with you baby." He admitted to me.

I look at him and smile. "Me too. Thank goodness I won that prank war." I tease while scrunching my nose.

"I think it was the prank against Charlie, with the nudes, that set you at the top. That was pretty good." He admits to me.

I shrug nonchalantly as I look at him. The elevator door dings so I walk out backwards.

"They don't call me the prank war champion for nothing." He looks at me with his eyebrows furrowed.

"I don't think anyone calls you that." I flip him off as I get in the rental car.

"I do. And that's all that matters." I go along with it. We go to the restaurant and it looked really cute.

It was called Nalu's South Shore Grill, which honestly was a super cute name.

If I ever had a dog, I would name her Nalu. As we looked through the menu, I looked up at Owen.

"I want a dog." I blurt out to him. He looks at me questionably as he moves the menu.

"What made you think of that?" I shrug as I look at him. "I just think it'll be fun." I admit to him.

He lightly shakes his head as we look back down at the menu.

The food here was super good. I enjoyed every piece of it.

When we got back to the suite, the sun was setting so we thought it would be nice to walk along the beach.

When I felt the sand on my feet, I smiled to myself. I feel like it's been forever since I was on the beach.

The sand was starting to cool off, so it wasn't too hot. We take our shoes off and go towards the edge, where the water is.

In one hand, I had my shoes, and in the other, I was holding Owens.

"You know, this has been a pretty good first day." He speaks up.

I look up at Owen, to see his face was glowing from the angle of the sun.

It was shining directly on his face. He looked really good in this sunlight.

He looks good in any light though. "It really has." I agree with him. Once it got completely dark, we started looking for crabs.

"Saylor, I found one!" I went over to him to look over at the crab.

I bent over so I could see the small little white crab. It started moving from side to side to get out of the light.

After a second, we moved away to try to find another one.

"Do you think the light blinds them?" I ask curious. Owen shrugged as we continued to look.

By the time we were done, it was almost midnight. We went back to our suite to change.

I put on pajama shorts and a matching shirt. Owen had on his blue joggers.

He was sitting on the bed, scrolling through his phone.

I went over to him and laid my head on his lap. He glanced at me and placed his phone down.

"You tired?" He asked, rubbing his fingers through my hair.

I nodded as turned the lamp out in our room. We got under the blankets and laid down.

I curled up in a ball as he pressed his back onto mine. He wrapped his arm around me, and pulled me closer to him.

"Goodnight, Cherry." He whispered in my ear. I smiled at the small gesture.

"Goodnight, O."

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