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It was a rare rainy day in Los Angeles. Owen, Nash, Kira, Charlie, and Winston were all coming to have a game day.

Jeremy and Carolynn are supposed to come too so I couldn't wait.

I was in my room, sitting on the keyboard bench. I had on leggings and my rather big flannel.

There's something about it that brings me comfort. So since it's been a little bit cooler, I've been wearing it a lot recently.

I started playing keys to a familiar songs. I play the notes to Ghost of You by 5 Seconds of Summer.

"You really like 5 seconds of Summer, don't you?" I heard Owen ask.

I stop playing and turn to him. "The lead singer is pretty cute. But that's just a plus." I joke with him.

I could see him smile. He looked cute even though he had on a simple outfit.

His favorite cream hoodie and joggers. "You're into blondes aren't you?" I look at him suspiciously.

"How would you know?" I ask with an eyebrow raised.

He had a light smirk on his face. "I can just tell." He shrugged and then walked away.

I drop my jaw and walk towards the tall blonde. "We were still talking!" I joke with him. We walk down the stairs to see most of everyone was here.

We were just waiting on Jeremy and Carolynn. "Owen, wanna bet money some a pool game?" Charlie asked him.

"Oh hell yeah." Owen went over to his best friend. "Lemme get in on this." Kilton went over them. 

Jesse ended up going to make it even. Kira and Nash went over to me with a smirk on their faces.

"We're gonna battle in Mario Kart. Wanna join?" Nash asked.

"Of course." I can't deny a Mario Kart tournament. Winston ended up joining us, which I didn't mind.

I chose Wario, Winston chose Link, Kira chose Isabelle, and Nash chose Dry Bones.

It was honestly really fun being with them. I felt like I haven't spent time with Kira and Nash recently.

I've been so busy with Owen and my band I haven't had time to be with them.

It was nice. We played Mario Kart for probably an hour an a half until The Shada's came.

They were stuck in traffic because of rush hour and apologized for being late.

We didn't feel like playing it anymore so the boys that were playing pool took over the gaming room.

I was in the living room with Nash and Kira, Carolynn, Harley, and Winston were in the kitchen, and the boys were gaming.

"You know, I kinda missed the rain." Kira admitted while looking out the window.

From what I know, it hasn't rained in while. "Me too, it's really coming down hard." Nash had joined her.

"It's calming." I smile. As we sat there and talked about the rain, there was a very loud gasp in the kitchen.

We all get up from the kitchen and run in there. Harley was on the phone talking to someone.

"What happened?" Jesse asked when the boys ran in. I shrugged, honestly not knowing.

There was shock and happiness on my sisters face. "Okay, I'll tell her. Thank you." She then hung up the phone as we all stared at her.

"Is everything okay?" Charlie asked Harley as she stared at us. "That was the doctor. The test results came back." My heartbeat rose.

This had to be good, right? "You can drum again. You're swelling finally went all the way down." This is great news.

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